12 // Master Plan

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"I got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles. His jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means-" Sheriff Stilinski triés to explain to me, Scott, and Isaac I gotta the boys locker room. He tries to keep it together but his voice begins to fail him. "the hell, I don't know what that means. Um - look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if either one of you see him -"

"We'll call you." Isaac says trying to offer some sort of comfort but Sheriff still didn't look so sure.

"Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We'll find him." I assure him softly. He offers a small smile back.

"Yeah. I'll see you, okay?" He says. We all nod and he walks off, probably on his way to the hospital.

"McCall." Coach calls before we had the chance to begin planning our next move. "We need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you on the field next season if you don't get your grades up."

"Yeah, I know, coach." Scott groans leaning back against the bleachers.

"All right. I mean, I - I know I yell a lot, but it's not like I hate you guys." He says to him and Isaac sentimentality. Well about as sentimental as coach can get. "Well, I kind of hate Greenberg, but, you know, that's different. It's Greenberg. I'm just saying we - I need you on the team. Get your grades back up."

"I will."

"I know." Coach nods before exiting. The three of us waited in silence until we were the only ones in here.

"Is that everyone?" Scott asked.

"I think so." Isaac confirms as we looked for stragglers. I quickly turn at a bang coming from behind me to see Scott ripping the door off Stiles' locker and rummaging through it. "You're gonna find him by scent?"

"Yeah, we all are." Scott throws both of us a piece of clothing before taking a shirt for himself.

"But how come you get his shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac asked holding the dirty sneaker cautiously in his hands.

"Ya I'm not smelling this." I gag holding Stiles' sweaty sock as far away from me ask possible. I look up and notice the boys staring at something behind me.

"We need to talk." I hear a deep voice boom. I nearly jumped out of my skin. When I turn around I realized that it was only Derek. I wonder if there's ever gonna be a day that he enters normally. I see someone unfamiliar come out of the shadows behind him.

"All of us." The mysterious man said.

"Holy shit!" Scott exclaimed, mouth completely open. Who the he'll is this guy? "What the hell is this?"

"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station." Derek said crossing his arms as if he planned this all along.

"Okay, hold on. He - he threatened to kill my mom. And I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?"

"I'm gonna go with Scott on this one." The man intruded. "Have you seen his mom? She's gorgeous."

"Shut up." Derek, Scott, and I all said disgusted.

"Who is he?" Isaac whispered to me but I merely shrug my shoulders. Scott answers instead.

"That's Peter, Derek's Uncle. Little while back, he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire, and Derek slashed his throat." Scott said not taking his eyes off of him.

"Wait, murderous alpha Uncle Peter?" I ask remembering the vivid stories Scott and Stiles told me. The sole reason Scott is a werewolf to begin withZ

"Hi." Peter waves and smirks at us.

"That's good to know." Isaac mumbles slowly shifting so that he was closer to me. I couldn't tell if it was on purpose or instinct, but I do know that Isaac doesn't trust easy, and the murderous past doesn't help.

"How is he alive?" Scott asks shifting his gaze to Derek.

"Look, the short version is he knows how to stop Jackson. And maybe how to save him." Derek sighs.

"Well, that's very helpful except Jackson's dead." Isaac informs them.


"Yeah, Jackson's dead. It just happened on the field." Scott looks down in disappointment.

"Okay, why is no one taking this as good news?" Isaac asked observing the concerned looks on everyone's faces. 

"Because if Jackson is dead, it didn't just happen. Gerard wanted it to happen." Peter explained. By the look on his face I could tell he was coming up with another plan.

"But why?" I pipe in crossing my arms across my chest.

"Well, that's exactly what we need to figure out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly."


"Oh. Oh, they found Stiles." Scott said shoving his phone back In his pocket. I let out I sight of relief. Great. One less thing to worry about, Andorra didn't even have to smell the sock.

"I told you, I looked everywhere." Derek sighs as we walked into his old burned house.

"You didn't look here." Peter mentioned pulling a floor bored from one of the stairs and pulling something out of it.

"What is that, a book?"

"No. It's a laptop. What century are you living in?" Peter blows the dirt and cobwebs off of it. "A few days after I got out of the coma, I transferred everything that we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones that keep records." Peter takes the laptop and goes to the other room. I was about to follow them when I heard Scott's phone ring.

"Hey, mom, I can't talk right now." He says waving me off to go ahead. Isaac offers me his hand and I hesitantly take it as we follow Derek and Peter.

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