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Sheriff Stilinski dropped me off just in time for Chemistry with Mr. Harris. From what the boys had told me about him I probably should've just skipped. But I have this class with Scott and Stiles which should make it somewhat bearable, or so I thought. But sitting by the two of them yapping my ears off is just as painful. I sit next to Stiles while Scott sits in front of him. According to Mr. Harris, it's pop quiz day. Since it's my first day he's using it to see where I am.

"All right, it's causing me severe mental anguish to say this, but he's right." Stiles tells Scott breaking the beautiful silence that only seems to last for a second at a time. I can't even concentrate on the words of the test.

"I know." He grunts without turning around.

"Who's right?" I intrude. If I can hear the conversation I mine as well participate.

"Jackson." They say together. Jackson? Since when is Jackson right about anything? I really did miss a lot huh.

"What if the next body part she steals is from someone who's still alive?" Stiles asks loudly. Apparently loud enough to disrupt the class because before I had the chance to shush him Mr. Harris' criticizing voice fills the room.

"This is a pop quiz, Mr. Stilinski." Harris calls him out. "If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career."

"Can you do that?" Stiles asks before I jab him in the side with my elbow. "Ow!" 

"Well, there it is again. Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently. I'll see you at three." Scott and I snicker at our best friend's misfortune, unintentionally directing the attention to us "You too, Mr. McCall? Ms. Hayes?"

"No, sir." We both say as we turn our attention back to our test.

"Dude your nose."Someone says behind me. I slyly turn around to see where it came from. It was one of the boys from the lacrosse team. I think his name is Danny. He's best friends with Jackson which is who he's talking to. "You okay?" I see something drop from Jackson's face onto his paper but I was too far to tell what it was. Jackson suddenly gets up and takes off.

When I woke up this morning I didn't think I would be squatting behind a headstone in a cemetery with Scott. But here I am, trying to be supportive of Scott stalking his
"ex"-girlfriend at her aunt's funeral.

"Where is Stiles? He was supposed to be here half an hour ago." Scott shrugs barely hearing what I said. I rolled my eyes and watched the scene in front of me. Speaking of the devil, Stiles comes stumbling behind us.

"Yo." He announces his arrival but neither of us paid him any mind. We were more intrigued by the old man trying to start a conversation with Allison. By the look on her face, I can tell she had no idea who he was.

"Do you remember me?" The man asks her but she shakes her head.

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles asks. Alison sneaks a glance at us which made the man snap toward our direction. We all poorly and ungracefully try to duck behind a single gravestone.

"He's definitely an Argent." Scott breathes as we lean back around it.

"Considering I haven't seen you since you were three, I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me grandpa. So if it's comfortable, call me Gerard for the time being. But I'd prefer grandpa." He jokes. She tries to let out a chuckle but it was overly obvious how uncomfortable she was.

"Hey, you know, maybe they're just here for the funeral. I mean what if they're the non-hunting side of the family? There could be non-hunting Argents. It's possible, right?" Stiles rambled on.

"Stiles?" I said without looking at him.


"Shut up." He grumbled something under his breath I didn't care enough to listen.

"I know what they are." Scott said. "They're reinforcements." Suddenly the boys disappeared from beside me. I look behind to see the angry face of Mr. Stilinski glaring down at me holding on to Scott and Stiles by their shirts.

"The three of you. Unbelievable." Mr. Stilinski seeths and I don't blame him. Crashing a funeral is low, even for us. "Pick up my tie." He told Stiles.

"Got it." He said grabbing it off the ground and shaking it off. "Sorry. I know, I'm supposed to ask." Mr. Stilinski pushes the boys toward his patrol car and I followed. The three of us squished into the back. Makes me feel like a criminal. Not that I haven't been back here many times with the two of them, it's smaller than I remember.

"4-1-5 Adam." The radio announces perking our interest.

"I didn't copy that. Did you say 4-1-5 Adam?" Mr. Stilinski asked.

"Disturbance in a car." Stiles informs us. He's picked up a lot of the codes over the years. With his dad being sheriff I'm sure he's "overheard" a lot.

"They were taking a heart attack victim--D.O.A." The officer on the other side of the radio explained further. "But on the way to the hospital, something hit 'em." They sounded panicked.

"Hit the ambulance?" Sheriff asked.

"Copy that. I'm standing in front of it right now. Something got in the back. There's blood everywhere. And I mean everywhere."

"All right, unit 4, what's your 20?"

"Route 5 and post." There it is. What we've been waiting for. Stiles quietly opens his door and motions for us to follow him. We all snuck out his door and ran away before his dad could notice.


"What the hell is Lydia doing?" I asked as we crept up on the scene. I'm trying not to throw up at what's in front of me. The deputy wasn't kidding about the blood.

"I don't know." Scott said equally disturbed.

"What kept you from doing that, was it Allison?" Stiles asked him.

"I hope so."

"Do you need to get closer?" Stiles asked.

"No, I got it." Scott gags as he begins to leave but Stiles grabbed him by his shirt.

"Just, I just need you to find her. All right? Please, just find her." Stiles trails off. I could hear his voice break. I feel bad for him. He's always had so much love for her. Unrequited love but true love non the less.

"I will," Scott reassures him. "Would you-?" He asked but I cut him off.

"I got him." I slightly smile at Scott before turning to Stiles, entwining my arm with his, and lay my head on his shoulder trying to provide some sort of comfort.


Stiles and I were getting a long speech from his dad about showing up at crime scenes and how it's dangerous and blah blah blah. Granted this is the second scene he has caught us at today. If he didn't know any better we'd probably be suspects. Nothing we haven't heard a million times before. Neither of us were really paying attention though. What really caught my attention was a figure I could see coming out of the woods.

"Lydia?" I say causing Stiles' gaze to snap towards me. She seemed completely out of it. But there she was. Naked and all.

"Lydia?" He questions following my gaze. "Lydia!" He yelled causing her to snap out of her daze.

"Well." She said. "Is anyone gonna get me a coat?" Stiles try's to grab his dad's jacket but he faints.

"Oh my god." I say as he hits the ground trying not to laugh.

"Jesus." Sheriff Stilinski said to his son before shrugging off his jacket and going to give it to her. "Yep, here you go."

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