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   "Mom, please don't make me go!" I begged my mom for the hundredth time. My little sister Harley has shifted for the first time a few months back, making our already heated and semi-daily arguments more intense. Our dad is of werewolf descent but my mother is human leaving me, Harley, and our little brother Parker a strong 50/50. Harley shifted at the ripe age of 13, which is fairly normal. I on the other hand am still proving to be mostly human at 15.

   "Rowan, I already told you. Everything is already set for you to leave tonight. Your plane ticket is bought, you enrolled in school, and Aunt Melissa already has a room ready for you." My mom says walking into her room with baby my baby brother strapped to her chest. I continue to complain, following her as she cleans throughout our house. My mom has always been a neat freak but it's worst when she's upset. Probably about me moving to Beacon Hills tonight.

   "But I don't want to go! All my friends are here." I exclaim.

  She laughs as if I was being dramatic, but you can look it up! These high school years are imperative for socializing. If they keep yanking me out of school I'm gonna end up a sad, and lonely cat lady. She sets parker down on the floor to play with his toys as she turns to face me. "You have friends in Beacon."

"Oh yeah? Like who?" I scoff flopping onto her bed.

"Like Scott."

"Scott's my cousin, he doesn't count."

"What about Stiles?"

"He doesn't count either. The three of us basically grew up together."

"Okay...What about Isaac?" I gave her a knowing look. To be honest I haven't talked to or heard from Isaac since we first moved. My parents tried to help keep us in contact by asking Isaac's father for a phone number, email, or anything I could contact him with but he was less than cooperative. But since I knew his address I sent him letters. Sometimes he responded, most times he didn't until it eventually stopped altogether. I didn't know what to think. Maybe he got sick of me, maybe he found a new best friend? In any case, I wouldn't call us "friends". I don't really know him anymore, and he doesn't know me.

"I don't know what you want me to say Rowan. It's not about what you want, but what will keep you safe. Your sister has transitioned between your sister's transition and her aggression. We can't teach her if we are worried about you." She looks up and smiles weakly at me. Even though my mom is human she has taken an interest in learning any and everything she could about lycanthropy ever since my dad told her about him. Hell, she probably knows as much if not more than he does. "It's the safest place for you to be right now."

  "But Beacon Hills? Who goes to Beacon Hills for anything?"

"People who have family there, and dad knows a specialist over there who's going to monitor you. I thought you would be happy! Beacon was your home before Seattle." She says clearly frustrated.

   "Yeah, when I was 12. But Mom! It's my sophomore year! You can't just pack me up and move me again! I-"

   "Rowan Souline Hayes! I am not going to argue with you about this. You are going."

I groan in frustration as I storm back to my room. The only things I was really bringing with me were clothes and necessities, anything I leave would be easier to just buy when I get there. While going over my mental checklist I realized something was missing, and I know exactly where it went. "Harley!" I yell storming into my little sister's room. She was sitting at her vanity curling her hair with MY curling iron, completely unfazed by my abrupt entrance.

   "Ever heard of knocking?" She says calmly continuing to curl her.

   "Ever heard of privacy?" I crossed my arms over my chest. She turns to look at me with a bored expression on her face. "I thought I told you to stay out of my room!" I continued.

   "Well mine is broken and mom can't get me a new one till tomorrow." She shrugs turning away to continue her hair. "I was gonna put it back"

   "That's not my problem." I say reaching for it. Just as I was about to grab it she pulls away.

   "No way I'm using it!"

   "It's my curling iron! You stole it!" I go to grab it again but she jumps out of her seat.

   "You can't just wait five seconds!?" Her voice becomes noticeably louder. Fucking hothead.

   "I wasn't asking!" I said matching my tone to hers and holding out my hand expectingly. She looks at my hand and smirks at it.

   "Fine here." She swiftly put the extremely hot iron directly into my hand. I unknowingly grab it before hissing in pain and immediately dropping it.

   "Are you fucking insane?!" I growled at her with my hand cradled to my chest and my now bright gold eyes burning into hers.

   "Wanna find out?" She growls back. Her eyes now matched mine but had menacing fangs to match. I hear two pairs of footsteps quickly approaching before the door swings open. Dad goes straight over to Harley to calm her down while Mom comes to look at my hand. When Harley returns to normal her face is immediately overcome with regret but she had no time to apologize before mom pulls me out of the room.

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