1 // Omega

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*Rowen's POV*

I suddenly jerk awake as I feel my head slip off my hand. I groan when I realized my ears are still ringing from the gut-wrenching scream I heard as the plane landed. It took everything in me to not immediately cover my ears and from the emotionless faces, I could tell that no one else heard it. Checking my phone for about the tenth time seeing that it was already 9:30. Scott and Stiles were supposed to pick me up an hour ago. I glare at my Starbucks cup half full with coffee that obviously not working. Where are they?

Before I could think anything else I heard commotion coming from the sliding doors. I look over to see the boys running over to me profusely apologizing. Stiles was lagging behind, dry heaving while Scott on the other hand reached me with ease. They both grab my bags and run back outside. "Umm, hello?!" I call after them. They come back and drag me out the door. As soon as the doors open I see Stiles' infamous blue Jeep. I've never seen it in person but every time I call Stiles he loves to tell me about it.

"By how much of a rush you two are in you would think you'd be on time." I laugh once we were on the road.

"We really are sorry Ro, it's been a crazy few days. We got caught up." Stiles apologized trying to keep his focus.

"What could be more important than your best friend?" I ask them. I honestly thought they would be a little more excited that I'm here. I mean sure we talk almost every day, but it's not the same.

"Our friend Lydia is missing." Stiles responds.

"Lydia Martin?" I raise my eyebrow at him. He looks up at me through the rearview mirror.

"Ya, you remember her?"

"How could I forget my middle school tormenter?" I roll my eyes.

"She's changed..." He hesitates. "Sort of." He mumbles. I scoff. Lydia was a spoiled brat. Always had been. She's probably just off with some guy. I turn to Scott who hasn't said a word since we got in the car. That's when I become overly aware of how intensely he's staring at me from the passenger seat. I'm also aware of the power radiating off of him, his scent now laced with wolf. I'm pretty sure he wasn't like that the last time I saw him. How was I so distracted to not notice it before? Maybe my senses really are depleting.

"Scott..." I began carefully but he cut me off.

"You're a werewolf." He hissed.

"Kind of," I admit.

"Kind of?" I can tell that he's not going to give up till he gets a straight answer.

"Scott I'd love to talk about this now but it doesn't seem like the time. We'll talk about it later."

"No, I think we should talk about it now." I don't know what he wants to hear. I can't tell if he's madder that I am a werewolf, or that I didn't tell him.

"Scott you know me. I'm the same Rowan I've always been. This is just the first time you've noticed. But I'm still me. Let me help me find your friend." I plead to him. He glares at me before slowly turning around. I roll my eyes. Hothead, just like his cousin. "Where are we going anyway?"

"Hospital." They both say.
Scott and I were sitting in the Jeep outside of the hospital waiting for Stiles to grab anything we can use to track Lydia's scent. We were sitting in very uncomfortable silence. Is he going to say something?  Should I say something? Why won't he say anything? This is ridiculous, I'm just going to say something.

"How could you not tell me?" Scott asked before I had the chance. His chocolate brown eyes staring into mine.

"I wanted to Scott, I really did. But it's more of a need to know bases." I try to explain.

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