2 // Shape Shifted

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I got Stiles to drop me off at Isaac's house. He wanted to head to the hospital to check on Lydia and I wanted to see how Isaac was doing after the whole grave robbery thing and catch up. We kinda ended on a sour note the other day and that's not how I wanted to start things. Other than the cemetery I haven't seen my best friend in almost 4 years. We are well overdue for a sleepover if you ask me. I sneak around the back of the one story house to Isaac's bedroom window which is usually my point of entry but it's locked. 

"Isaac?" I whispered knocking on the window. I lift my hood trying to shield myself from the rain as I waited for him to answer but he never comes. He always answers. I guess always was a while ago. Two small crashes coming from the front of the house dragged me from my thoughts. That can't be anyone other than Mr. Lahey. I can tell he's upset about something Isaac did... or didn't do... or him in general. He never really needs a reason.

"Isaac!" I say frantically while still trying to stay quiet. Last thing I need is for Mr. Lahey to know I'm here, but I have to warn Isaac he's coming. I hear another crash but this one was bigger, louder as if something made direct impact with a wall. "Damn it!" I start sprinting back to the front of the house. If I can't warn Isaac maybe I can stall his dad. before I had the chance to run up the small stairs to their door Isaac comes bursting out with a terrified look on his face. As soon as he sees me he grabs my wrist and pulls me with him.

"Where are we going?" I ask when he drops my hand to grab his bike.

"Get on!" He yells climbing on himself. I quickly climb onto what little space on the bike was left and he sped away. I look behind us to see his dad getting into his car and coming after us.

"What's happening?!" I yell as we sped down the street. Instead of answering he just goes faster. Faster than should be possible with both of us on the particularly small bike. I can't even see where we're going because of the harsh rain hitting my face. Isaac rides down the main road for a while before abruptly pulling in front of a car to turn down a dark ally. "Isaac!" I scream as the car almost hits us. The car honks and swerves out of the way just in time. When we get deep enough into the ally Issac ditches the bike and pulls me behind a dumpster to hide. "Isaac, what did you-" He cuts me off by covering my mouth with his hand.

"Shh!" He says. Just then I see his dad's car pull into the ally and he rolls down his window. We both peer around the dumpster at the car.

"Isaac!" He calls. When Isaac didn't answer he rolls up the window and gets out of his car. I can barely see him through the rain, but from the way he slammed the door, I could tell he was pissed. "Isaac!" He continues to call as he walks deeper into the ally. His voice becomes angrier with every yell. I quickly realize that there is something else in here with us. A dark figure walks out of the shadows and stops in the middle of the ally, facing Mr. Lahey.

"Isaac?" He asks trying to identify the person. As quickly as the figure appears it disappears. What the hell was that? "Okay, that's enough.
Let's go!" He claps his hands dramatically. The shadow of a man reappears again just standing and staring. "Isaac, grab your bike and let's go!" When the figure gets down on all fours with a hiss we all quickly realized that whatever it was, it wasn't human.

We were both too stunned to speak. We just watched as the thing chased him back to his car. He tries to lock the door out but it rips the door off the car and throws it back toward us. We quickly duck behind the dumpster as it goes flying past. I don't dare to look back after hearing Mr. Lahey scream for help. It seemed to go on for hours before it finally stopped. When I look back all I see is Mr. Lahey's dead body lying in his destroyed car that was covered in his blood, but no sign of the monster.

"Bloody hell." I say under my breath.

"Come on Rowan, Let's go." He says pulling me by the hand but I won't budge.

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