Lacrosse Practice

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"I told coach you're switching with Danny for the day." Stiles announces as he takes his place next to Scott, handing him a longer lacrosse stick. Scott raises an eyebrow between his best friend and the stick.

"But I hate playing goal."

"Remember when I said I had an idea?" Scott nods. "This is the idea." He explains slow enough for Scott to understand.


"There we go." Stiles pats him on the back and gathers his own gear.

"What's the idea?" Me and Stiles roll our eyes simultaneously. 

"I seriously don't understand how you survive without me sometimes." Stiles pulls him onto the field as coach Finstock blows his whistle.

"Let's go! Line it up! Faster! Make daddy proud." He yells as the boys get in position. Scott runs over to the goal while Stiles scrambled to get in line. "Here we go." He blows his whistle. As soon as the ball was passed to number 18, Scott leaves the goal and tackles him. I jump as they hit the ground and again when coach blows his whistle.

"Let me help you up." Scott says giving the poor guy a hand but sniffing him like a dog immediately after.

"McCall!" Coach yells at him.


"Usually the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal."

"Yes, coach." Scott smirks and runs back to the goal.

"I know what you're doing. Knock it off." I say low enough till only Scott could hear me. I wait a second before Scott's voice floods my ears.

"Well since you obviously aren't going to tell me this is the plan."

"Let's try it again." Coach says blowing his whistle. As soon as he throws the ball to the next unlucky player Scott was off again. This time he flips him over his shoulder and sniffs once again.

"What the hell, man?" The player asks.

"My bad, dude." Scott apologizes returning to the goal as coach storms towards him.

"McCall! The position's goalkeeper. Not goal abandoner." He points out once again.

"Sorry, coach."

"Scott I'm serious, cut it out! You're going to hurt somebody." I warn but he blatantly ignores me. As soon as the whistle blows another player is on the ground. Coach pulls Stiles out of line.

"Stilinski, what the hell is wrong with your friend?" He asks. Where do I start?

"Uh, he's failing two classes. He's a little socially awkward and if you look close enough, his jaw line's kind of uneven." They simultaneously tilt their heads to the side as if to get a better view.

"That's interesting." Coach says pushing him back in line. When Coach blows his whistle Scott tackles Danny, finally someone I can recognize. 

"It's Armani." He says as Scott begins to sniff him.


"My aftershave. Armani."

"Oh. It's nice." Scott says pushing himself off the ground. Coach blows his whistle and storms over to Scott.

"McCall! You come out of that goal one more time and you'll be doing suicide runs till you die. It'll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide. Got it?" I can see his veins popping out from here.

"Yes, coach." He says running back to the goal.

"Uh, coach, my shoulder's hurting. I'm gonna--I'm gonna sit this one out." Jackson said getting out of line. Fucking coward. I roll my eyes at his fear. I look to see who's next in line. Unfortunately, it was Isaac. His shoulders rose and fell aggressively, and I can hear his grows from here. Shit!

"Scott please stop! This isn't funny anymore! It doesn't matter who it is! Just let it go!" I say restraining myself from yelling at him. Scott ignores me, not surprising, and completely focused on Isaac. He must've noticed the growling too.

As soon as the whistle blew and the ball was caught, the two began running full speed at each other before crashing and falling onto all fours. I catch a glint of gold flashing from Isaac's helmet and I could tell it's coming from his eyes. I sit there in shock until the blow of coach's whistle snapped me out of it. Seemed to do the same for them.

"Could this get any worse?" I say to myself burying my face in my hands. When I look back up I see three men walking onto the field. It's Stiles' dad and two of his deputies. "I was- Oh forget it!" I growl quickly gathering my stuff and rushing onto the field. By the time I got there, everyone had dispersed and Sheriff Stilinski has taken Issac over to "talk".

I try to rush past Scott and Stiles to get to them but Scott grabbed my arm. "Don't." He said.

"Scott let go! I need to talk to him." I try to pull away but he wouldn't budge.

"His father's dead." This made me stop in my tracks and look up at him. By the way, he was staring at them I could tell that he was listening in. "They think he was murdered." Stiles' dad grabs Issac by the arm and they lead him away. Isaac looks back at us for a moment. I try to give him a reassuring smile but I drop it as soon as he turns away.

"Are they saying he's a suspect?" Stiles asks him.

"I'm not sure, why?" Scott says putting his attention on him.

"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours."

"Like, overnight?"

"During the full moon." I groan. From what I gathered from Isacc and Derek, this will be the first full moon since Isaac turned which is always the worst.

"How good are these holding cells at holding people?" Scott asks slightly panicked.

"People, good." Stiles said.

"Werewolves?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Probably not that good." Stiles admits scratching his neck.

"Stiles, remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill?" Scott says.

"Yeah." Stiles replies.

"He does." I sigh as we watch the patrol car pull away with Isaac in the back of it.

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