Fair For Them

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The door chimed as I walked into the vet where Scott worked. This is also where I get my "supernatural checkups" as I like to call them. Dr. Deaton is an old friend of my Dad. They knew each other long before I was born. He's also one of the reasons I'm down here. I don't know how but he knows more about the supernatural than he lets on, at least with Scott anyway. He tracks the progress of my transformation which is not so progressive.

Speak of the devil, I see him walk in from the back. "Oh, Hi Rowan." He says. "I didn't think we had a check up today."

"We don't. I'm just waiting on Scott." I inform him. He opens the gate for me and motions me in. I quickly follow him to the back and I see Scott cleaning up some glass.

"Hey I gotta go clean the cat cages and I'll be ready to go." He says throwing the glass away and walking to where I assume the cats are.

"Hey Dr. Deaton, can I ask you something?" I ask him sitting on the examination table. He's sitting at his desk doing some paperwork.

"Sure anything." He says giving me his undivided attention.

"Do you know anything about werewolves with purple eyes?"

"Why?" He treads carefully. "Has it happened to you?"

"No, no, no." I lie quickly. "I've just... been reading a bit about werewolves lately and I wanted to see if there was any truth to the stories."

"Yes, I've heard about it but it's extremely rare. Nothing for you to worry about. The only case I've seen is with your parents." He dates without thinking.

"It happened to my parents?" His eyes go wide as he realized his mistake.

"I've already said too much."

"Oh come on Deaton, please! I can't ask anyone else. You know I won't stop asking till you tell me. So save us both from the grief." He sighs in defeat.

"Purple eyes are a sign that the wolf has found their mate. Someone they would love and protect at all costs. Someone they can't live without." I try to hide the surprise on my face when he told me. My parents used to always tell me how they were soulmates. I didn't think they were actually serious.

"Do they stay that way?" I ask trying to keep the trembling out of my voice.

"Not all the time. Usually only when they first find out, and whenever they feel passionate around, or about their mate." I had so many more questions to ask him but Scott came back through the cat door.

"Hey, Stiles is outside. You ready to go?" He asks me grabbing his jacket. I nod at him.

"Thanks, Dr. Deaton!" I say as we walk out the back door.

"Anytime Rowan!" He calls back.


Stiles unlocked the door to the ice rink and walked in as Scott, Allison,  Lydia, and I followed. "Could it be any colder in here?" Lydia asked. Her, Stiles, and I were sitting on the bench lacing up our ice skates while Scott and Allison were a row below us lost in their own conversation.

"Here." Stiles says grabbing an orange scarf from his bag and tries to hand it to her.

"I'm wearing blue." She said looking at him like he was crazy. "Orange and blue, not a good combination."

"But it's the colors of the Mets." Stiles argues but Lydia just glares at him.

"Thank you." I say reaching over and grabbing the scarf before wrapping it around me. He rummages through his bag and pulls out a Reese's like a peace offering which she gladly accepts.

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