11 // Battlefield

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"Mom I promise I'm ok!" I groan wondering around my room holding the phone to my ear. I hear the shower shut off letting me know that Scott's almost done so I get my stuff ready to hop in the shower.

"Hun I'm just worried about you. First your aunt calls me telling me that you have against you for kidnapping your classmate..." She begins ranting but I cut her off.

"Oh come on it was a misunderstanding!" I try to defend myself but I can imagine her scowl.

"And you were held at gun point at the police station!? Rowan it hasn't even been a month! Not to mention that according to Melissa that town is crawling with werewolves, including your cousin." I hear odd noises coming from Scott's room which was connected to mine by a very thin wall.

"Hold on mom." I say walking over to the wall banging on it. "Scott I'm on the phone!" I yell to him. I take the immediate silence as an apology and flop down on my bed continuing my conversation. "Ok I'm back. How is she doing with the whole thing by the way. She won't come out of her room."

"She's pretty shaken up but I gave her the talk. Tell Scott to give her some time she'll come around. I did." My mom said with wishful thinking. I smile softly at the thought of her and dad, and just my family in general. God I miss them.

"Rowan gonna be completely honest with you. Me and your father have been talking and we think it might be time for you to come home." She rushes out all in one breath probably hoping I didn't catch any of it, but I'm hanging onto every word.

"What no why!"

"We sent you to beacon hills so you'd be safe and able to monitor your progress. Not to put you in the heart of everything we're trying to protect you from."

"Mom please don't do this again. The deal was I could finish our junior year." I complain.

"Yes but you were also supposed to stay out of trouble and let us know what's going on!"

"Ok. I'll stay out of trouble and I'll call you more. I promise." I beg desperately. "Mom please!"

"Ok fine. But if I get one more call from Melissa, or you miss so much as a phone call, I'm going to get on a plane and drag you back here my self."

"I won't, i promise." I sigh in relief. I hear another thud come from next door causing me to roll my eyes.

"Mom I'm gonna have to call you tomorrow." I groan getting up off my bed.

"Wait! Melissa also told me you have a boyfriend?" She asked teasingly. I never really dated much when I was in Seattle so whenever I found some one even remotely cute she des out as a personal victory.

"I'm hanging up now!" I sang hoping she'd get the hint that I won't talk about it and she can't make me.

"Ok." She chuckles. "I'll talk to you soon. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." I toss my phone in my place on my bed and make my way over to the door to scold Scott. Before I had the chance to open the door I hear a loud his coming from the other side causing me to freeze in fear. I use my shaking hand to creak open the door in enough time to see the kanima's tail disappear down the stairs. I wait until I hear the door down stairs before running to Scott's room.

"Scott! Jackson was in the ho- Oh my god!" I yell bursting in his room but stopping when I register the scene in front of me. Aunt Melissa was holding her neck on the floor crying and Scott was bent down next to her. "What happened? I asked making my way over to them and bending down.

"Jackson and Gerard happened." Scott growled slightly but instantly regretting it when he realized it scared her.

"What did they want?"

"I don't know." He lies but I didn't question him like I usually would. He's been under a lot of stress these past couple of days between the championship game tomorrow, Matt dying, and now this. I just didn't want to make it worst.

"Are you okay?" I ask Melissa softly reaching my hand out to her but she quickly pulls away shaking her head.

"Oh, I don't know what's happening." She cries. "I don't know what that thing was or even what you two are, but whatever he wants, just give it to him."

"Mom, it's not that easy." Scott horribly tries to comfort her. I give an area you serious?' look and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Do what he wants. Just give him what he wants." She repeats.

"I don't know if I can."


After my check up the next day at the pet clinic I decided to stay back and help Deaton and Scott. I was filing some papers at the desk when heard a ding letting us know that someone came in the door. "Would you mind seeing who that is?" Deaton asks me getting ready to give the dog on the table a shot that's supposed to help with his pain.

I smile and nod getting up out of my seat, and walk over to the door. Scott stops me when the dogs in the kennels begin barking. We all look at each other knowing that it's a good chance that it's a werewolf.

They both follow me out and we see Isaac standing by the door with his hands in his pockets staring at the floor. I look at him in astonishment. Mostly because he fell off the grid a couple of days ago and hasn't called or texted me since.

"It's okay, Isaac. We're open." Deaton says swinging open the mini door by the front desk and inviting him in. We walk into the back room and crowd around the whimpering dog on the exam table. I squat down by his head and begin gently rubbing him.

"Why does it smell like that?" Isaac asked with a disgusted look on his face causing Deaton and Scott to smile. "What?"

"Scott said almost the same thing to me a few months ago." Deaton replies smiling at the memory. "One day he could somehow tell the difference between which animals were getting better and which were not."

"He's not getting better, is he?" Isaac asked. I bite my lip and sadly shake my head not bothering to look up from the pup. "Like cancer?"

"Osteosarcoma. It has a very distinct scent, doesn't it? Come here." Deaton corrects him. Isaac walks over to be face to face. "I know you're well aware of what your new abilities can do for you. Improved strength, speed, and healing. You ever wonder what it could do for others? Give me your hand. Go on." Isaac offers him his hand and Deaton places it on the dog. After a minute Isaac's viens begin to turn black causing him to gasp. Isaac pulls away and lifts up his sleeve to revel the black traveling up his arm. The dogs whimpers slightly subside.

"What did I do?" He whispers.

"You took some of his pain away." Scott smiles at him.

"Only a little bit. But sometimes a little can make quite a difference." Deaton pointed out. Isaac began tearing up and brings his hand to his mouth. I walk over and try to comfort him.

"It's okay. First time he showed Scott, He cried too." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"What? No I didn't!" Scott tries to debate.

"Yes you did." Deaton said backing me up. Isaac laughs at our bickering and I pull him into a long hug. Not so long that it makes everyone else uncomfortable, but long enough to let him know that I'm hear if he wants to talk. By the way he walked in I could tell there was something on his mind.

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