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" Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall;  A mother's secret hope outlives them all."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

(Present Time: Boston, Massachusetts: 6:15 pm)

" Well, that was it, " Amnon spoke and sighed while looking at the orange sunset clouds on the sky. " I got separated from your older self in Paris. I didn't know what to do, because I was so afraid when I got abducted. "

" Did my other-self fight back? " Carol asked.

" Yeah, she tried and failed to rescue me, " he replied.

" Where did you go? "

" I went to New York City along with the other slaves. Definitely, it will be a long story to tell, " Amnon shrugged and stood up from the bench as his mother joined him.

" Yeah, it's getting late, " she nodded. " Probably, your family's waiting for you. "

" I'm thinking I should invite you for dinner along with your grandchildren. They will be thrilled to meet you. So, are you coming? "

Carol deeply thought and looked at her alternate son as she wanted to go with him. Suddenly, she noticed another blonde woman with short hair. It was her son's wife which she was wearing a brown blouse with black and grey stripes. Carol smiled at the newcomer as the half-Kree cyborg was about to hug in welcoming her. They were both in tears of joy in seeing each other.

" Gourai! " she called the woman's name.

" Carol! " Gourai responded and hugged her as her husband was pleased to see his mother and wife hugging each other. " It's been a while! "

" I'm here to visit you guys after the SIVA invasion from my universe. "

" Thank goodness, you're able to come here! "

" Well, I really want to see my alternate daughter-in-law and grandkids aside from my son. "

" Sounds like a family reunion. "

" It is, Cyborg, " Amnon nodded. " Anyway, how are the kids when I was away? "

" Kai and Skouro just arrived along with Lux to visit them, " Gourai answered and rubbed her eyes. " They're expecting someone at home. "

" You mean my mother? "

" Yes, Galaxy. "

" If they're expecting to see me, then I would like to hear more of our conversation while eating, " Carol suggested. " Shall we fly to your place then? "

" That would be good. " the husband and wife nodded.

Captain Marvel: My Mother (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now