Chapter 42

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"' What strange creatures brothers are! "

- Jane Austen

(Rouen, France, 1:40 AM)

Still sleepless, Elder Carol Danvers took a break from reading her son's journal. She sat up and drank her glass of water. The stillness of the darkest night visited her along with the cicadas singing and the owls hooting. She looked at the evening sky and started counting the stars. Then, the elderly blonde turned to her sleeping son.

Suddenly, she heard a slight knock on the door and opened it. Carol got surprised to see a miniature couple on the floor which she was about to step on them. They grew up in normal size and smiled at her. The half-Kree woman recognized the two and crossed her arms.

" Hey, there! " an elderly ant faunus woman greeted her.

" We've just come by! " her wasp Faunus husband added and grinned.

" Tahu, Michelle! Can't you just two keep quiet! " she angrily shushed. " The Kid is still sleeping! We can't disturb him! "

" Sorry about that, Carol, but we have news, " Tahu lowly spoke.

" What news? "

" Not really good or bad news, " Michelle replied and shrugged. " An old blue cat almost died in Ethiopia. We have been there finding Methu-Selah, but we're not sure if the Kree-Faunus guy or that Kree Eternal is the same person. "

Carol heavily sighed and became anxious for her friend's safety. She had been thinking of him these days aside from her son. Then, she turned to the boy on the peacefully sleeping on the bed. Tahu and Michelle waited for her to speak.

" Methu-Selah has used another persona named Methuselah Belladonna, the old blue cat man, " she answered. " He has been hiding from his enemies and looking for his missing son. "

" About that..." the Wasp Faunus man added and pointed at the boy. " There is something's fishy about him. The MTF had once kept a Kree-682 hybrid clone on their turf before. I'm concluding this boy has inherited Great Methu-Selah's dominant genes than that freak of nature which they had kept and killed. "

" Tahu, how did you know? " Michelle curiously asked.

" Did you remember we followed him back in Moscow more than two decades ago? We secretly took his DNA sample. We made a DNA test out of it, thanks to Dr. Fedorov who's a former MTF scientist. "

" Oh, yeah! He joined the Rebel Forces when the invasion happened. " she snapped her fingers.

" So, this Kid is Methu-Selah's missing son? " Carol raised her voice in shock.

" Yes, " the spouses nodded in unison.

" Well, this must be interesting, " she smiled while looking at her son. " I have a good feeling about this before. Do you have evidences of this discovery? "

" As far as I know, Dr. Fedorov works with Commander Bav-Tek in Russia, " Tahu raised his hands interjection. " He might give you the DNA results once he gets here to France. You know, he's a very busy man helping the injured and the sick. "

" Don't worry, we'll let you know once we see him and Methu-Selah, " his wife added.

" Thanks! " 

" So, Carol. We do wanna share our experience in Russia with one whom we called Svet. " Tahu continued. " You'll be interested to hear one. "

" It's a twin conflict tale! We have witnessed everything. " " Michelle also raised her left hand in interjection. " You might want to hear your boy's experience along with us. " 

" Yes, of course. Just keep your voices down. " 

Carol had let the visitors remain outside the boy's room when she offered them some seats. The couple sat down and began their conversation.

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