Chapter 26

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" We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."

- Ronald Reagan

(Next Day: Rouen, France, 4:00 PM)

After taking lunch, Carol and her tall hooded companion spent washing the dishes which they finished some pile of plates and other utensils. The two wiped and placed them into the cabinet. Then, they worked at the garden and started trimming the plants and sweeping the ground.

The Kree-Lizard boy watched the children playing and running at the porch to the patio. He held his garden broom, sadly sighed, and thought of a normal childhood which he never had an experience. The elderly blonde woman curiously looked at him while she was cutting and snipping some bushes to be trimmed.

" Kid, is there something wrong? " she paused her work and curiously asked.

" I wished to have a normal childhood life, " the boy answered. " My life is too different from them. "

Carol understood of what he had said. She remembered those stories which the boy told her. His experiences were too difficult to describe which he had endured all of them. From those days in the MTF Containment Cell to his journey all the way to Alaska, no man could experience those kind of hardships.

" I see what you're getting from, " she smiled and kept cutting the growing twigs and leaves on the bushes. " Just imagine life is like a plant. "

" What do you mean? " he curiously asked and turned to her.

" You tend to grow and develop extra branches, barks, twigs, and leaves. It's like you're gaining good memories and learning from them in order for you to flourish. But sometimes, you got yourself attracted by fungi, bacteria, and viruses, " Carol explained and showed to him an affected leaf and branch with white spots. " Bad decisions, memories, nightmares, and mistakes. It's pretty hard to let go of them, right? "

" Yes, " the hybrid nodded.

" That's why a gardener helps the plant to get rid of them and nourish it to stay and grow healthy. "

" So, you're saying humanity is like a plant? "

" True, " she nodded and finished trimming the bush. " People tend to grow further and sometimes experience bad things in life. But in your case, you just really have to develop everything. I understood you wanted to have a normal life despite of those bad memories. You really need to find ways. "

" Okay, " he slightly smiled and found a ball on his footstep. The children murmured and got panicked in French which the ball went out of bounds. The Kree-Lizard boy hardly understood them and turned to Carol as he needed help. " I can't speak French that fluently. "

" Kid, you just need to return the ball to them. That's all, " she answered and gave him a suggestive look. " Come on, you can do it. "

" Okay, " he nodded and took the ball as a dark haired mutant girl leapt in front of him when he got startled to see her. The hybrid gave it to her as she grinned from ear to ear.

" Merci beaucoup, monsieur! (Thank you, mister!) " the girl beamed.

" See? an act of kindness doesn't come in what language you speak, " the elderly half-Kree woman smiled at him. " It's part of growing up as a man which it is something to be shared and passed on. "

" All right, then, " the boy understood and started sweeping the ground.

" Well, anyway we have a lot of work to do before sunset comes, " she looked at Gladius and Aqune washing and mending the clothes and reminded her companion.

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