Chapter 54

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"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this."

- Terry Pratchett

(Rouen, France, 5:00 PM)

The Kree-Lizard boy spent writing and translating in Russian which he busied himself to finish with the help of his mother. Carol sensed something from a distance which she never expected someone coming. Her son curiously turned to her and paused in what he was doing.

" Mom, are you okay? " he asked with a concern. " You're just silent again. "

" Kid, did you entertain any alien creature aside from the residents here? " she responded and turned around.

" You mean SCPs? "

" No, it's something else. I'll check it out, be right back..."

The elderly half-Kree walked around and got startled to see an orange four-legged mammal coming from the hallway into the room. The Kree-Lizard boy was happy to see the cat-like being and kneeling down on the floor.

" YURI! " he called the animal's name and gently rubbed his furry back. " Here, you are! You look tired today, right? "

Yuri the male feline purred and gently pawed his master's hands. Carol was surprised, yet pleased to see her son playing with a pet. The hybrid was laughing as his pet tickled and licked him.

" Yuri, stop licking me! "

" Kid, you just found a pet? " his mother curiously asked.

" This is Yuri, " his son replied and carried his pet. " I named him after the late Russian cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. "

" Wow, you got that historical reference after that famous spaceman. "

" This cat saved my life before I got here, " he continued, while rubbing Yuri's head. " He is a very loyal friend. "

" Kid, that's not an ordinary Earth cat. It's a Flerken. "

The Kree-Lizard boy widened his eyes in shock and found the term very unfamiliar to what he had learned in the past two years with his mother. Carol closely approached her son and the pet, intently looked at his eyes, and patted his cheeks.

" Mother, What is a Flerken? "

" It's a space alien cat with some tentacles on its mouth once it opens, " the elderly half-Kree answered and snapped her fingers to call the Flerken's attention. Yuri opened his mouth as the boy got astounded to see it.

" Woah! That's exactly what he did before! "

" You see, I used to have a pet Flerken named Chewie. She used to do that and brought bad guys to other dimensions, " her mother recalled and raised her right hand in interjection. " That's how a Flerken does. Perhaps, Yuri could have eaten and swallowed your stalkers from the MTF or those bad guys! "

The Kree-Lizard boy loudly laughed while holding Yuri the Flerken and understood what his mother meant. He looked at the window showing the radiant marigold skies which the sun was about to leave France. Then, he turned to her.

" Yeah, " he nodded. " I can tell you a story on how I found him. "

" Make sure we can't miss our supper, later on, " she reminded.

" Oh, no! Mom! It's just a quick story, don't worry! We can catch-up and eat! Yuri needs to eat, too. "

" Okay, sounds good! "

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