Chapter 50

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" There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. "

- Elie Wiesel

(Two Hours Later: Berlin, Germany)

Dr. Wynter Baranowski spent driving the truck on the way to the German National Capital where they had left the affected towns. The old tall man and the Kree-Lizard hybrid had conversed about their lives before the aliens invaded the planet. Morgenthau was a former espionage agent who used the name Flagsmasher, a global terrorist. The boy and the female physician became more interested in hearing the backstory of the schizophrenic elder.

" I admit, " he sadly sighed and spoke. " I infiltrated a cargo area in Vale City, Remnant. "

" Why did you do that? " the Kree-Lizard boy asked.

" You know I worked for the ULTIMATUM once, before I ended up as a sickly and crazy patient. I got interested with Kree weaponry as I found worthy to steal. "

" So, you're a thief and a terrorist? " Baranowski queried.

" That is right, " the old man nodded. " But something had changed my life on that day, I met a strange handsome man with flashing hands. He was awfully strong and intimidating. I was supposed to attack him, but he instantly took me down. He infiltrated my mind upto my soul which it caused me to become weird. "

" What do you mean? What did that man look like? " the boy curiously raised his voice.

" That man disguised as a warehouse guard, but he revealed himself to be superhero from another planet. He had a blue skin and a long silvery white hair, " the German-Swiss Elder explained and turned to the hybrid. " Your green irises in your eyes reminded me of that mysterious Kree man. "

" Really?! "

" Of course, Svet. That's why I realized you're more than an indestructible monster. You are something else, mein freund. "

" If only I have more time to analyze Svet's health condition, " Baranowski added and slightly smiled. " But I guess my family is more important than my work. "

The old man got curious of the physician's words, as he never realized what she meant and looked concerned at her. The Kree-Lizard boy sadly sighed and understood of what had transpired since last night. The widow's grief was still present in her mind.

" Karl, Dr. Baranowski's husband just passed away seven days ago, " he said and turned to Morgenthau. " We found his body in an abandoned house near the mountain. "

" That is very depressing for you, " Morgenthau sadly spoke. " My sincerest condolences to you and your family, Dr. Baranowski. "

" Thank you, Mr. Morgenthau, " she nodded.

The old man smiled back and looked at the window as the vehicle reached the streets. The quiet buildings had greeted them along with the remnants of the famous Berlin wall. The Kree-Lizard boy became very curious as he wanted to see the sights of Berlin, but silence and danger was still roaming around the city. The threats of their enemies would hinder them if they continued further. The Schnee manor in Mitte was just few blocks away from the Reichstag building. Wynter felt pleased to see her home for years as she was longing to see her children. She parked the truck as everyone got out. The white haired doctor pressed the doorbell and waited for anyone to open the gate.

 " Is anyone there? " the hybrid boy curiously asked and scratched his head.

" I hope Ada could open it for us, " Baranowski replied.

" Who is Ada? "

" My trusted caretaker and maid..."

Just then, a middle aged fat brunette woman came out of the house and opened the gate. Morgenthau and the hybrid boy became very nervous in seeing her. Ada the caretaker looked suspiciously at the two men and raised her eyebrows. Baranowski reminded her that they were guests, but still the German woman glared at them.

" Why is she glaring at us, Doctor? " the old man asked and felt uneasy to look at her. " Her looks are killing us! "

" Yeah, are we even that bad? " the Kree-Lizard boy added.

" Ada was a former slave of those enemies two decades ago, " she explained. " Before I got here to Europe, she was saved by the German Rebels when she was twenty-five years old. She was brought to my relatives as they decided to keep her from them. "

" She surely had a tough life back then. "

" Yes, she did. Infact, Ada was the only person who acted like my own mother and pushed me to marry her nephew, Dieter. "

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