Chapter 48

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" In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same. "

- Albert Einstein


The Kree-Lizard boy and his new friends had formed a team which they decided to rescue some people from the slave den where the slaves were taken away. They had been doing this for several days when they had began their operation from Warsaw to Krakow. In every place they went, the blue-skinned soldiers and the reptilians were after them. Tomulk deceived them when he howled like a wolf for summoning a pack of four legged animals to brutally attack them. Dracken and the hybrid boy had escaped some Inhumans and other people as slaves.

Every evening, they had this kind of operation which they spent doing evening patrols on the streets. The three men were vigilant enough to roam around the compound. Just this time, the boy spotted a place where he saw some people being taken captive as tournament warriors, prostitutes, and workers to serve for the Kree-Lizard legion and the other races. Dracken phased inside the building where he spied and checked around the premises.

Looking around, he saw women taken into the rooms as prostitutes for extraterrestrial males. The spirit was shocked to see what the Kree men had done. Passing by, he eyed on the overpowered Inhumans to be delivered to the tournament in New York City. The spirit phased into the wall where he intently heard a conversation between a Lizard man and his blue-skinned companion.

" Do we have to send house servants to your allied races? " the reptilian man asked.

" Master Taryan has not yet ordered us to take more people in that kind of work, but eventually, we will, " the Kree man replied.

" I see. There's someone we could eliminate from the newcomers. "

" Who could that be? "

" An Inhuman named Nirvana Malinda, " he answered and looked at the containment cell which the Kree had made. " I believe your kind have made experiments on her people before. "

" Ah, yes. The Republic of Remnant, " the Kree man snapped his fingers. " The land of disgusting exiled Kree, Faunus, and useless Inhumans who lived there. Listen my friend, we take the best slaves from there, aside from the people living in different nations. But this woman Nirvana, she has used her shadows to trap and deceive anyone for fights. She is extremely dangerous as she attempted to retaliate and frequently disobeyed our orders. Now, we will do anything to execute her. "

" To bring death for those who rebel against us! "

Dracken widened his eyes in shock as he phased out from the building wall and left the slave den. Tomulk and his hybrid friend waited for him into the bushes and hid there. The ape man and the Kree-Lizard boy gave him a suggestive look.

" Dracken, what's going on? " Tomulk asked.

" Bad...really bad..."

" I get you, " the hybrid nodded. " You found people being maltreated. "

" Yeah, there's someone with a worst case from there. It was an Inhuman who the enemies contained her. She must have been fighting against them, but she's going to face her execution anytime soon. " 

" Any plans? Svet? Dracken? " Tomulk looked at his two companions and shrugged.

" Well, we can trick those bad guys while Svet is busily releasing those slaves from them. "

" I can do that, " the Kree-Lizard nodded. " But what about the Inhuman who got contained? "

" You can take her too, " the spirit replied. " Right now, we need a right timing to start our operation. "

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