Chapter 41

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" Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one."

– C.S. Lewis


" Come on, Svet! You can do better! " Enenra happily exclaimed and kept shooting webs at his Kree-Lizard hybrid friend for their Saturday morning combat training.

" I'm trying, Enenra! " the boy replied and dodged at the younger Spider Faunus's attacks.

Enenra shot a web towards him as the hybrid got trapped into a myriad of webs. He attempted to break free by using his super strength to wreck everything. The boy recalled of his combat training days with Peter Parker or Spider-Man more than twenty years ago in Canada. The spider Faunus lad got surprised to see what his friend had done.

" Woah! This is so cool! " he happily beamed as his friend panted. " You've done a good job, Svet! "

" Thanks, " the Kree-Lizard boy sighed in relief and rubbed his sweaty forehead. " That was a tiring one. "

" Yeah, " the teenage spider nodded and shrugged. " Maybe, we should that everyday. "

" Good idea, Enenra. Your sister could have joined us. "

" If she can keep up! "

" Right. " 

   Suddenly, the two young men heard voices emanating from the compound gate where Smolder inspected and interrogated the visitors coming to Star City. The Kree-Lizard boy got curious of who were the people which the former Remnite astronaut was talking to. The voices seemed familiar which the boy heard and recognized them from a distance. Enenra intently looked at his friend and noticed his silence.

" Svet? " he called his friend's attention. " Are you okay? "

" Yeah, I heard someone familiar before. "

" Who? "

" I think they're my friends before I came here. "

" Oh, we'd better check that out. "

The Kree-Lizard boy and his Spider-Faunus friend observed the newcomers as Smolder opened the gate. There was a truck which it entered the compound and parked at the corner. Leaving the vehicle, there were four men who unloaded some crates and boxes from the back. A tall elderly man dressed in red assisted and guided his companions. A fellow brunette Russian carried a box along with the dark-haired Japanese man and his tan-skinned Egyptian buddy. Indeed, the hybrid boy was right. They were his friends who helped him to live in this former Soviet country.

The Egyptian man called his companions as they all turned their attention to the hooded Kree-Lizard hybrid. The hybrid happily beamed and excitingly waved his arms as he recognized his friends.

" It's him! " Bombos recognized his friend. " Nukeo-san, it's really him! "

" Our comrade! " Nukeo smiled.

" Da! He's the one! " Pavel added.

" Finally, it's a great reunion after all! " Alexi laughed.

" Bombos, Nukeo, Alexi, Pavel! " the hybrid boy called out their names.

The four men paused their work and rushed to their long-lost hooded friend. Smolder and Enenra got astonished to see him recognized these men from the rebel forces. The boy was very happy to see them after months of being separated. The five of them made a big group hug and some loud laughter which the Star City had never heard.

 " Svet, did you know them? " Smolder asked.

" Yes, " the boy nodded. " They're my friends! "

" Did he call you, Svet? " the Russian Inhuman curiously queried.

" Yeah, that's my nickname here. It means "light" in your language. "

" That suits you! "

" How did you learn that language? It seems you have a lot to talk about, Svet-kun, " the Japanese mutant winked and placed his right hand on his friend's shoulder.

" Of course, it will take more than a day! " the Kree-Lizard boy laughed harder, touching his abdomen.

" Can you let us hear a phrase or a sentence, please? " Bombos requested.

" Vy vse yeshche lyubite vzryvat' veshchi! (You are still enjoying making things exploded!) " he responded in Russian. " Vy prosto delayete eto dlya udovol'stviya! (You simply do it for fun!) "

" What? "

" He says you're having fun making things go boom! " Alexi translated the boy's response.

Bombos understood that thought and loudly yelped. Indeed, this Egyptian demi-god mutant hybrid was well known for his explosives. The Rebel forces needed an enhanced person like him to stop the enemies even in a very violent and horrible way.

" That is so true! "

" Well, I'm glad you guys ain't just delivering some food here, " the former astronaut smiled as he felt pleased to see them. " You're also reuniting with Svet. "

" Smolya, I think it's the best that you took him for sometime, " Pavel answered and stretched his arms. " You know, he could live in a more peaceful environment, like away from those foolish invaders. "

" You're right about that, Pav, " he nodded and scratched his beard. " By the way, aside from any food delivery, am I gonna expect good or bad news? "

" Let's start with the bad news, Smolya, " Alexi shrugged and explained. " Death tolls in Moscow and other cities are still on the rise. Like the slaves are constantly being killed once they refused to follow the orders. Then, our fellow members of the rebel forces also experienced the same fate. "

" Oh, crud. Alexi. "

" Yes, I am really serious. Moscow is no longer safe to live. "

" How about the good news? "

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