Chapter 45

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" In my experience, fear comes from not knowing what to expect and not feeling you have any control over what's about to happen. When you feel helpless, you're far more afraid than you would be if you knew the facts. "

- Chris Hadfield

(Rouen, France, 1:00 PM)

Elder Carol Danvers woke up in the afternoon which she had slept late. She sat on the bed which she stretched up looking around the room. The elderly half-Kree lady turned her head around when her son was not on the bed. She stood up and turned around, looking for him.

" Where on Hala is that kid?! " she anxiously thought. " Don't tell the MTF Troopers or those enemies are after him again! "

Carol went every room and asked every resident which she spent searching. Until, she found him on the study room and sighed in relief. The woman saw her son reading and writing documents in English which he translated them in Russian.

" Kid, what the hell?! " she exclaimed. " I didn't know you're here! "

The boy shushed at his mother as he busily finished writing his last sentence in Cyrillic alphabet. Carol wryly smiled and waited for her son when she took a seat. The Kree-Lizard boy had set aside his translation job and looked at the elderly blonde woman.

" I'm sorry I need to finish this, " he said. " Yesterday, Jared just gave me those documents from Dr. Vandark who I met back in Ukraine. It's all about ghosts and some strange entities aside from our enemies.

" Is this before I met you? "

" Yes, " the boy nodded and changed the topic. " Mom, you woke up very late. How come? "

" Kid, I had read your journey from Russia while you were sleeping. I have discovered some interesting parts of your journey, " she replied. " Oh, by the way, I met some old friends back in Remnant. "

" Your old friends? "

" Yeah, we spent talking. That's why I went sleepless. "

The boy nodded and smiled as he understood what his mother had mentioned, but he was curious of what did she and her friends had talked about at the wee hours in the morning. He raised his eyebrows and noticed the elderly half-Kree's sudden silence.

" Mom, is there something you want to talk about? "

" No, Kid..." she nervously chuckled. " Well...I think I needed something to eat while you want to tell me something later. "

" I'll get you something to eat. I'll be right back, " he smiled and nodded.

The boy left the room as Carol waited for him to return. She curiously looked and read at her son's writings in Russian which she wanted to know. There were articles about spirits wandering in Ukraine. The old blonde lady thought of asking him about what he had translated and written about.

Thinking about the Project Marvel subject, she wanted to disclose it to her son, but she was unsure and afraid in how the hybrid boy would react. She deeply sighed and turned around as she saw him with a tray of the leftover meal from lunch. It was a bowl of bread with a soup. Just beside it, there was a glass of water for her to drink.

" Mother, it's time to eat! " he called as Carol smiled at him.

" Thank you, my dear son, " she smiled back and received her meal as she began to eat.

" You seem so apprehensive, mom. Is there something wrong? "

" Kid, do the MTF people still hunt you aside from your detractors? "

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