Chapter 38

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 " The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. "

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

(Rouen, France, 12:30 AM)

Carol watched her son sleeping peacefully as she remained sleepless. Her mind had drifted to the conversation earlier and sighed. Sitting up and slowly rising up from the bed, the elderly half-Kree took her son's journal and began checking the pages. She smiled in checking the pages which some were written in English, French, and Russian.

" He surely has more stories to tell, " Carol thought and watched the hybrid boy in his slumber. " But he's still looking for his father which I haven't seen him in years. I wish I could tell the truth to him, so he wouldn't wait for the right moment, but I'm not so sure how since the enemies are also after him. Oh, Methie, if you only knew how I got worried about you and your boy, he's beginning to ask questions about you and searching for you. He wants to know where you could be found, but only time will tell. I hope you could find a way to meet him again. "

The elderly half-Kree returned in reading her son's journal. She turned to the page where he wrote his wanderings in Moscow, Russia and began reading it.

" Now, I wonder how this kid got survived the former Soviet Communist Capital, " she looked intently at the written words in Cyrillic. " Perhaps, those past years had made him like that. "


The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy had never seen the Kree-Russian man who helped him two days ago. No news about him, he felt hopeless to see someone generous like him. He survived the harsh cold weather which his Kree genes helped him to endure and adapt, but still he had nothing to eat nor drink. He tried to roam around the streets and positioned himself at the sidewalk. No one even attempted to help him. He kept crying and begging, but everyone ignored him.

He remembered those days when Elder Alexi Shostakov once told him to stay away from those places where trouble was present. He did follow. But everywhere he went, violence roamed around the city where the slave drivers struck their slaves into their tragic demise. The boy felt shattered and bursted into tears when he witnessed such hardships. One time, a Russian lady prostitute for the Kree and Lizards approached him. She was flirtingly speaking and seducing him, thinking the boy was one of the enemies. The hybrid was afraid to deal with her which he couldn't understand a word. So, he ran away and left her.

Almost every day, he was seeing such turmoil and corruption on the streets. He wanted to fight back and save those who got oppressed, but he was too weak, tired, and hungry to do it. He had nothing to prove himself for he was too broken.

That night, he was sleeping back at the alley's dirty grounds. The boy began to wail once again dreaming of 682's murderous exploits. He could not put himself at rest which the constant mental torture from the infamous crocodile had haunted him. Unaware of his surroundings, a green haired woman in a thick fur coat observed him from a distance. Along with her, there was a man with dark colorings on his skin who also watched the Kree-Lizard boy. His hair was velvet as the king's clothing. He was dressed in black like death.

" That's him, " the man pointed out. " I supposed to kill him some years ago in Alaska, but he survived. "

" Yes, " the lady grinned and held her katana. " I knew him too. I was about to take his life too back in Kolyma. Then, I saw him and his friends chattering with that old scumbag."

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