Chapter 22

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" Time is the justice that examines all offenders. "

- William Shakespeare

(Abandoned Warehouse, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada)

Some days later, the Kree Lizard hybrid started to have his self-defense training which Peter Parker or Spider-Man thought him. On his first few days, the boy had a hard time to focus and exercise with some drills. He never had an idea in what to do when some attackers tried to hinder him. So, Peter kept pushing him to concentrate instead of complaining.

This time, the hybrid was struggling to break free from the multiple cobwebs covering his body. Peter was observing him from a distance while crossing his arms.

" I CAN'T BREAK FREE! " he cried. " This is too difficult. "

" Keep on concentrating, bud! " Peter smiled. " Come on, you can do it! "

" But I can't! "

" Don't say you can't! Come on, you can do it! "

" How? "

" Okay..." Peter slinged using his web from his hands and approached him. " You have to think of something that you want to break free. It can be something you can be scared of. That will help you to break free from the webs I have made for you. Now, close your eyes and concentrate. "

The boy followed the mutated man's instructions as he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and began thinking. To his concentration, his mind was visiting from his past as an SCP clone experiment. The boy remembered the days of meeting the horrendous 682 inside the containment cell. The monster violently abused him multiple times until he almost met his demise. Then, the boy cried for help and experienced the same scenario with the other deadly SCPs.

Revisiting those skirmish memories, the boy became more agitated and frustrated as the toughest webs began to break and loosen up. Peter widened his eyes in shock in observing the super-strength and endurance which the hybrid had. Slowly getting free of those webs covering the body, the boy was able to let go and opening his eyes. Finally, he got surprised to see his ability which he never knew.

" Man, I'm so proud of you! " Peter happily exclaimed. " You did it! Good job! "

" I did? " the hybrid curiously raised his voice. " But how come? "

" Well, here's the thing, " the man removed his mask and scratched his beard. " I observed you earlier when you looked very pissed. Then, arms and legs started to release that inner strength which the webs got broken. "

" Really? "

" Yeah, " he nodded and asked. " But I'm very curious, bud, what triggered you to do that? "

" It's a very painful one, " the boy sadly sighed and answered. " If you were in my shoes, you wouldn't like it to experience. "

" Oh, I see. That explains. Do you think you can be cured from that trauma? "

" I don't know..."

Peter heavily sighed from what he heard, sitting down and thinking of his new companion's long term psychological trauma. It was his first time to deal with someone who had that kind of dilemma. He intently looked at him and got concerned. The hybrid boy was still suffering from 682's memories, aside from his MTF Containment cell days and the loss of his special someone some months ago.

" Well, I can relate to you, bud, " he replied. " First of, I lost my Uncle Ben when some bad guys killed him on the streets many year ago. It's very traumatic to see someone who perished."

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