Chapter 5

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" Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. "

- Robert Browning -

Jared helped the three to load their belongings into the jet. Karena brought a first aid kit which she carefully placed into the compartment.

" Yes, it's Methuselah Belladonna, the half-Kree, half-Faunus, seer, " the half-Lizard rebel continued.

" Methie? " Carol muttered and thought. " He's in disguise again..."

" Wait...a seer? So, he is able to see into the future? " Allen curiously asked and got interested. " How come he has powers like that? "

" Yeah, some of his predictions came true, but some people doubt of his visions. They call him lunatic, because of his ability, but he is hiding his true self to avoid death threats. "

" I knew it, he's here! " the elderly woman thought.

" Did you have any trouble getting here, Jared? "

" The Kree-Lizard tensions are still on the rise in America and Europe, but I think we can go undercover if they find us."

" Monsieur Coulson, but where exactly in Paris are we going? " Karena asked and took her seat.

" The abandoned Moulin Rouge, " the half-Lizard replied. " Don't worry, you're not seeing girls dancing the can-can. You'll see rebel groups hiding. We have an elderly Captain Marvel with us to censor such undesirable scenario. "

" Very, funny Jared. " Carol sarcastically grinned and crossed her both arms while sitting.

" Well I guess I will have to lose my gear then and change into different clothes, " Allen shrugged. " Do I have to leave my weapon behind too? "

" That will do. " Jared nodded as the team sat on the passenger seats. " Now, please buckle-up your seats. We're going. "

The dark haired mercenary nodded as he boarded the ship while taking his gas mask off as well his vest. He put the rest of his gear into a compartment while wearing a black jacket. Karena sat beside him and buckled up. Jared went to the cockpit and began to set-up for flying. Elder Carol Danvers was sitting in front of the couple.

The Quinjet ascended into the skies over Rouen where it reached the blue blanket with a bunch of white fluffy cumulus clouds. The sun's rays touched the air fleet's exterior as it gleamed. The distant view of the City of Lights was seen from the window.

" Well, that should do it, " Allen sighed in relief. " We're all safe on board. "

Karena got interested in seeing her boyfriend's looks as she blushed. Allen noticed her and smiled back as his face turned red.

" You look very handsome, Allen. " Karena praised.

" Not bad in your outfit, " Carol added.

" Thank you, Karena and Carol, " he chuckled. " It's my first time going undercover more. Honestly, I'm used to wearing gear, but this is a good change"

" Well, we're glad to see you that, " the elderly half-Kree woman took a brown tunic and a long sash. She instantly donned herself while sitting.

" Madame Danvers, you dress like a Muslim woman, " the French lady mercenary noticed.

" I'm used to it, " she replied.

" So, your friend might recognize you. "

" I guess he reads minds. "

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