Chapter 13

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" One's friends are that part of the human race with which one can be human."

– George Santayana

(Chinatown,  Los Angeles, 12:30 AM) 

Avoiding such trouble from the patrolling policemen, the Kree-Lizard hybrid and his companions kept hiding from them. The homeless pink-Kree man and the little girl, Chen leaned on the small building's dark concrete walls. Hearing witnesses from the streets, an elderly Chinese woman spent talking with the authorities. She saw an unidentified hooded being taking a child away from the crime scene. 

The hybrid boy felt anxious as some people of the streets knew of his first heroic act which Mar-Vell forbade him to do so. Chen remained silent as she didn't know what to do or say anything after the murderous incident happened in her house. Somehow, fear and despair had been present this time which the three was experiencing. They exchanged glances as they saw the  policemen left the scene.

" Look, Boy, " Mar-Vell lowly spoke. " Damage is done. I understood why you saved that little girl from the crime scene, but everyone really gets suspicious of why did you appear in the first place. "

" You mean me as the murderous 682? " 

 " Yeah, I'm glad you have gained your common sense. But this time, we should do something right, " the Kree looked at the girl. " We can't let her with us hiding like we usually do. " 

" We need to find someone who will take care of her. " 

" Yeah, you're right, " he nodded. " We're taking her to the orphanage. " 

" Where? What is an orphanage? " 

" Look, I don't have much time to explain things... " Mar-Vell heavily sighed and scratched his head. " But fine... It's a place where kids have lost their parents or they got abandoned. " 

" Abandoned? " 

" Yeah, like being left-out for some reasons, " Mar-Vell answered and turned to the little girl. " Okay, Kid. What happened to your parents? " 

" They're....gone, " Chen sadly answered.

" Like literally?  How? " 

" I heard loud noises outside my room and then I heard nothing. " 

Mar-Vell and his Kree-Lizard friend understood of the girl's account as they knew something skirmish had happened to her place. Chen was indeed telling the truth and the real witness of the crime scene. Earlier, the boy rescued her from another impending trouble. 

" Can you tell us who killed your parents? " the bearded pink-Kree asked. 

" I don't know. Mommy asked me to hide inside the room. " 

" Okay... okay.  I understood why my friend saved you from any trouble would happen. But right now, we have decided to take you to a place where you can be safe. " 

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