Chapter 33

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" We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over. "

- Ray Bradbury

(Rouen, France: 8:00 PM)

The sounds of thunder and dripping rain were echoing around the place as the Kree-Lizard boy remained sitting on his bed looking at the window and sadly sighed. He couldn't go stargazing which he never used his telescope. The boy took his journal and wrote his thoughts about the rain. His mother entered his room and sat beside him.

" Still writing your words? " Carol smiled and asked.

" Yeah, " he nodded and paused his activity. " The rain never give me a chance to see the stars. "

" I see. Sometimes, it's very sad to see it coming, but the good thing is plants receive water from it. "

" I get what you mean, mother. "

" By the way, have you ever seen rain before? " the elderly half-Kree woman asked.

" Yes, several times, " he answered while looking at the window. " It is sad, but it refreshes me to feel it. "

" Yeah, you're right about that, " Carol nodded.

" But still, the rain reminded me of that night when I rescued someone. "

Carol looked intently at her son and got curious. She was interested to know about the person whom he had saved some years ago. The boy recollected those memories which had something to do with the other people he met on his journey. The elderly half-Kree woman waited for him to open up.

" Can you tell me who? " she asked.

" Zed Williams, " the hybrid instantly answered.

" His name sounds familiar. "

" Why did you say that? "

" It's Dr. Pyromaniac and Firefly's engineer son. Have you met him? "

" Yes, " he nodded. " I do want to tell you the story of me and Zed before. "

" Go ahead. "


Months had passed, the tensions against the two tyrannical races which the rebel forces were struggling. The abduction for slavery became more intense than before aside from the killings. For the boy and his comrades, they had to adjust and take risks in retrieving people and retaliating against the enemies. This time, Gladius Fernal assigned him and Jared to go on a special mission in Nome, Alaska. They followed the task as they were on their way to the destination.

Going to Nome, the combined breeze of the Pacific and Arctic welcomed the two. The city was once a productive and peaceful place. The streets remained unchanged, however Jared and his friend noticed something was wrong. An army of Kree and Lizards were taking the citizens. The two went on hiding at the alley and watched the scenario.

" Exiled Kree, Lizards, Faunus, Humans, and others? " the half-Lizard young man curiously muttered. " How come they're taking them? "

" For slavery, I think, " his friend replied. " This is not good. "

The two were still watching as they noticed another Kree-Lizard hybrid woman yelling against the enemies. The ruthless captors exchanged glances as they thought of killing her. A blue skinned commander took his gun and instantly shot her down. The woman ended up in a pool of blue blood. Jared and his friend widened their eyes in shock.

" If you dare to defy us like her, " the commander harshly spoke and turned to the mixed captives. " You will end up in your own demise. Understood? "

The captives remained silent which they were all afraid of talking. The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy turned to his friend as he wanted to speak up.

" Is there something wrong, bud? " Jared asked.

" Well, we can't do anything to save them right now, " he replied. " If only, we have more people to do it. "

" I understood, but we're assigned here to observe what's happening in Nome. "

" Perhaps, I can help you, boys, " a female voice called the two as they turned around.

It was an Asgardian woman wearing a cloak to hide herself. The two hybrid boys noticed her as they got curious. She had blue eyes, black hair, tall and toned physique with bronze toned skin. She removed her cloak showing her gold armor and black two piece clothing. Jared Coulson was blushing as he found her very attractive. The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy was smiling and chuckling as he gently poked him.

" What?! " the half-Lizard young man turned to his friend.

" So, do you like her? " his friend teased.

" Oh, come on. Bud! Seriously?! "'

" You need some answers, boys. I'm willing to share everything, " she said.

" And your name is? " the Kree-Lizard hybrid asked.

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