Chapter 4 | Three truths One lie.

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"Oh then, by all means, take it away."

I smile at her words and then looked at Benjamin.

"Well, looking at you, you are pretty tall to play basketball so, I'll take that as a truth. The same goes for volleyball. Now I'm debating if you can dance or if you're gay. You don't really give me the dancer vibe. I don't know if you are gay or not considering the fact that you keep winking at me,"

I hear the whole class go ooooooo,

"I think the lie is you love dancing," I said as if I accomplished something.

I thought I did.

"Ok I winked at you..and what? You were the one staring at me so I wanted to play around with you," he replied with an evil smirk while I turned pink.

"With that being said, let me correct you. I love basketball, volleyball, and dancing. I am as straight as a dead person's flatline.  You seemed easy to play with and I took my shot," He finished.

Like my previous reactions. My eyes were wide and my mouth hanging down.

'Oh god, I look like a fool. I was so confident in my shit. Are you that dumb Jamie? Ughh"

" well I have to say, I myself am pretty shocked myself Benjamin. Although that wasn't nice to you to take advantage of Jamie like that," She said.

"It's ok Mrs. Paris. No hard feelings plus you weren't the ones who got it wrong. He did." He said looking straight at me.

"True" I mumbled

Mrs. Paris looks at the two of us,

"Very well then. Let us continue the game shall we".

We both nod at her.

The whole time I sat in my seat I was just hating myself. How could I set myself up for shit like that? I was so confident with my answers. Why would he play with me like that? Is he not considerate of other people's feelings? Well, to be honest, my feelings.

When the game was finished, we were giving the remaining class time to just sit and chat with our classmates. I sat with Julie and Richard, but my head was down the whole time. Ugh, I feel like shit.

'You look like it'

"Dude Jamie chills the hell out, you're acting like it's the end of the world," Richard said while Julie rolled her eyes.

"It's not that I got everything incorrect dumbass, it's how I was so confident in myself when I was answering and to get them all wrong is such a bummer," I mumbled in my arms.

"Are you sure that's the reason why you're so gloomy?" Julie asked.

I looked up at her with a fake confused look.

'Oh shit this bitch is on to me'

"What do you mean?" I pretended to sound confused.

"It's ok Jamie. I know you wanted to believe he was gay, but you also knew strong in your heart, that he was straight. You're a cynical person when it comes to things like this. You let your guard down and gave in to his actions, and it got to your mind and now your sad because, not only did you humiliate yourself, your dreams were just crushed" she smiled at me.

Richard burst out in laughter while I looked at Julie with complete shock.

'Damn this bitch is so smart. How the hell did she get all that correct...ugh I need to turn into a girl so I can whoop her ass'

"Damn Julie and I thought I was the bad guy of the group," Richard said giggling.

I got up from my seat and looked at Julie,

"first of all, you're like way off with that answer. Plus that whole thing you just said was complete balderdash," I say snapped because it was true.

Then looked at Richard,

"Second of all, you are THE BAD GUY of this group" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Ughhh fuck you both, I hate y'all but I love y'all..ima go use the restroom".

I asked for the pass and walked out.





Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя