♪Chapter 19♪-The Section 1's Tea Club

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19: The Section 1's Tea Club

    Dear Mama and Papa,The School festival is Still going ..And Now

"Welcome to the Tea Club"

We are opening the Tea club for our Section. I am a cute maid today and we are wearing the cute uniforms now,Since the play is already done ,We are now concentrating in our works and its the Tea Club ..

Dear Festival ,please be nice to me ..

KyaaH this is so Exciting ..I hope i can gain many costumer today .I'm still here inside the dressing room while looking at my reflection in the mirror

"Geuurim!!!"  Sehun shouted while running towards me ,He's.wearing a black long sleeves like a waiter ..and what's with the rush anyway?

"What wrong Sehun?"

"What are you still doing here ? we have to open the teaclub now ..And we are waiting for you .Ms.Taeri Said we won't open the club .Let's go now , Cielo is already Annoyed"

Sehun drag me out of the dressing room .I'm really dead . Now they will say that i'm acting V.I.P (Very Important Person) again.And after we reach the place ,Sehun and I catches their attention. The Baekhyun fanclub is glaring at me evily.

"so the PRINCESS is already here ..Can we open the club now ?" Cielo said ..But she said sarcastically in the princess part then she rolled her eyes on me .Seriously!!when will they stop being so mean to me ..I'm trying my best to be a goodgirl now  ,have you heard it right? i'm a good girl now and i'm not the Bad  Geurim before anymore..and of course that only a joke.

"Okay guys ,we're opening the tea club now .Remember to gain costumer" Miss.Taeri said while clapping to get the attention everyone

"Aye aye Captain!!" everyone said at the same time and salute Ms.Byun Taeri.When we open the door ,A lot of costumer came in .. .speaking of which Where did that Stupid alien president go? don't tell he won't help out?

"Welcome to thE Club sir" My two classmates said when a costumer came in .They we're assign to greet every costumer will came in. the costumer ,sat in the sofa  and Sehun went to him and gave him the list . the Maids including me line up infront of them .

"Goodmorning Sir. Our Teaclub are here to serve you .Would you mind to choose who will serve for you between this beautiful Miladies infront of you ?"  Sehun said .The Costumer stare at us one by one  .OMG  i'm so nervous !

"I'll choose her."  He said . I thought it was me , but he pointed Myla to serve for her.After that we walk towards the next costumer and its still the same thing.He didn't choose ..

after the costumers choose who will be their maid .. there is only the two of us left  now,Which is Cielo and me .There is another costumer who came in Just now .. Omo i hope he will Choose me .

"another Costumer ..I'm Sure he will choose me because i'm prettier than you." Cielo mumble at me .

"Whatever!"   i said then we walk towards the costumer..Sehun said the same  thing earlier

"Goodmorning Sir. Our Teaclub are here to serve you .Would you mind to choose who will serve for you between this beautiful two Miladies infront of you ?" 

*Dug Dug dug*

'please choose me! please choose me' i said in my thought .

"i'll choose her!"

"yes!"  i said ..but i was embarassed for a second when i realized that he Choose Cielo

"Excuse me ..Get out of our way" Cielo grins at me .Then She tongue-out at me when they  sat in costumers Table

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