♪Chapter 29♪- Geurim's Decision

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29: Geurim's Decision

"Byun Baekhyun . I like you!!!I really really like you!"

He didn't answer , he just look at me with no emotion. What's wrong with him? he should be surprised by that now . Is he deaf? Should I tell him again?

"Yah !Did you hear what I said? I said I-I like you!!"

he's still not responding . I'm already look like a fool in here .Aish I shouldn't tell it if this is what will he respond me.

"You like me?"  he suddenly speak , I nodded right away   "You like Kai too?"

I frozed for a second.I can't answer him. Yes I like him ,but I like Kai too .

What am I doing?  I feel like a bad person for liking two person at the same time . I Don't know what to do.

"Wait ..where are you going?"  he turn his back on me.

"I can't force you to answer that .. Just face me when you already knew who do you like the most between Kai and me. Don't worry , I won't expect too much anymore."

He said before he walk away .  i can't speak after what he said . I really need to make a decision right now , but how ? It's hard to choose.. I don't want to hurt their feelings.

Should I just jump in the building so  that I can't think like this ? I really don't know  what to do...


"You already said you like him?"

"Yes...But he let me chose between the two of you..." I took a deep sigh and make a sip my coffee.I asked Kai to talk with me, The School were already close since it's Christmas vacation so We're here at the coffee shop to talk about what did that stupid president Responded me the other day.

"Who did you choose?"

It took me a few second before I answer him

"No one..Kai..It's hard to choose.. I like him .. But I like you too.. Isn't it stupid ? I'm look like a bad person.

Aren't you mad at me?"

he gave me smile , a smile that means he's not mad. I really need to choose already before I loose the both of them.

"Geurim..You loved Baekhyun.."

he stated ,that make my brows met.  He just smiled at me again.   " I already new. You always think of him even though i'm the one beside you.  Your smile is different when you're with him.  Geurim You just like me ,but you love Baekhyun.. "

What is Kai Talking about? I don't understand him. Is he telling me to choose Baekhyun over him?

"Anyway. I don't intend to give you a headache..please don't be angry at me , but I want to say that ,It was all my plan to make you fall inlove with me"

I look at him with "What are you talking about look?"  , so does it mean he don't really have a feeling for me ?   . I Think I want to cry now..

"I'm sorry Geurim.. I only did it because I want Baekhyun to tell you what he really feel for you.. He always lipped tight  everytime he plans to tell you ,So I have to make a move ..here."

"what's this?"  He gave me a key, now what am I going to do with this ..

"It's a key isn't obvious.. Drive the car and go Catch Baekhyun.."

He's really crazy ..I don't even know how to drive a car.. And what does he mean by Catch Baekhyun

"What are you talking about ?"

My Best Frienemy(Exo-Baekhyun) |EXO Series Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ