♪Chapter 57♪- Operation:Saving Geurim

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57: Operation: Saving Geurim

Baekhyun's P.O.V

I have to go back and Take Geurim home. Someone place bomb that's why explosion happened. Those "X" marks on the bomb is the Logo of one of our enemy under Mafia world.  I don't know who our enemy is because they are attacking us secretly without showing their Identity. I'm sure they expect for me to come here so they planned it. I know They are just around and there are still more bombs planted here.

The past few days that I was in the house and gone for my father's bussiness with Yuan including in mafia bussiness , i've  discovered and suspect that there are some traitors in our companion because they know our moves, when to attack and plans of attacking.

I don't know who the hell is that and that is what I have to find out before Geurim will get involve in this.


I turn around and My eyes widen after I saw Yoona with injury while Carrying Sehun on her shoulder. Sehun is really injured and beaten up so I ran to help her carry him.

"What the hell happen to you ?Who did it to you?" I asked

"I don't know ,we were able to scape after someone help us. Where is Geurim?" She ask panicly ,I can't avoid to feel nervous right now.

"I-I left her in the School booth.Why?"  

"What the heck Baekhyun!You left her?" I was surprised after she shouted so I nod shockingly "You have to go back!Geurim is in danger!The reason of that explosion is to distract everyone's attention. They want to get you and Geurim. I'm sure they-----"

I didn't continue her sentence anymore. What the hell they want this time? Geurim please be safe! I won't ever forgive myself if something will happen to her.

And What scare me most already happened. Geurim is not already in the place where I left her.My Classmates  are already lying in the ground.

"Henry!Henry!"  I slighly slap his cheeks to wake him up ,he tried his best to stand even though he's beaten up. "Henry, What happen?"  

"Some people in Black took Geurim away.W-we tried to save her but they were armed."

what the hell!

I assist him so that he can sat properly.  "Just rest here and Tell the others when they got in here okay?Call a cops and ask them to find us."

"Take care. Please t-take Geurim back."

"I will." 

I nod and start running away to find Geurim.

After I reach the gate,I saw a black limousine with an X mark at the plate leaving the place. I have a feeling that Geurim might be there.

I was about to follow them but someone came out the car and Shoot me. Good thing I was able to hide and avoid that shot.

"What the!"

The car is already gone. They used this chance to escape from me.I runaway again and went towards the Raider  that I borrowed from Sehun to find the car and good thing I saw them in road.

They can't run the car fast because of the people  running because of that Explosion.

"So this is where they hide." I said to myself while hiding at the back of their hideout.

I followed them secretly  until they got in here. It's an old warehouse far away from town. I look around to check and detect the sorrounding.

They are armed and each of them has a. "X" mark on their shirt. What the..Their guns are no Joke.

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