♪Chapter 36♪- Christmas day

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36:Christmast day

it's been 9 years since the Last time I celebrated Christmas with  my Mother and Father. When they died , I didn't dare to celebrate Christmas and either other holidays because it only reminds me the memories of my beloved parents. But after that long years , here I am again celebrating Christmas with my new family . Baekhyun and everyone..they give me a reason to celebrate Christmas again.

Yoona and the others were inside the house helping with aunt to prepare for some exchange gift party while me and Baekhyun together with DaeHyun and Shashie are outside the house playing with the snow happily. I tried to build a snow man but it ended like a monster ,Baekhyun won't stop laughing so I throw him a snow and the end, the four of us played throwing ball  for almost an hours.

"Let's take a break!"   Baekhyun lye in the snow while smiling so I sat beside him. Daehyun and Shashie? Oh well they are still playing with the snow. Daehyun told me last night , It's his first time to have a friend so it's okay for him to be friends with Shashie even though she's kinda annoying and fat. Actually Shashie is not that really fat , she's only have a chubby Cheeks and a healthy body not like me with a skinny body.   "Stupid girl..."


"Why don't we visit your parents?"

I look at him. "You want to go there?" 

"Uhhmf Yeah. I just want to meet the parents of the most important person in my life."

"Ayyhie you're so corny you know. "   he just blush like a gay , lol if you could just see him blush.

I stand up and stretch my body. Now that he mention it ,it's been a month since I last visit their grave,  I almost forgot it because of what happened this past few days ..

"let's go?"

"huh?right away?but we haven't change yet. "   ayyhie my Bakkie is really excited to see my mama and papa. Well i'm excited to introduce him to them.

"Tsk..no need .. come on!!"  He grab me .I don't know if we will take a ride or just simply walk. There are only few car or even taxi because of Christmas holiday.

"eh? h-How did you get this car?" I was so surprise after I saw a black car parking beside the Gate .The question is ..how did it get in here? I didn't notice he went out to get it.

"Don't ask anymore..Let's go!" Baekhyun open the door for me so I enter thanking him.

I smiled sweetly. He really Change a lot.He's not a boastful as the day we met at School , he become sweet and gentle now which I fell for him more and more ."Are you okay?"

I ask him because he's smiling like an Idiot while driving.

"Yeah I'm okay.I'm just excited to met them?"

"Eh? Why?You want to follow them inside their grave?do you want to be engrave already?"

He glared at me but he smile again after a few seconds.  "You're so stupid."

"You're more stupid.Smiling like an and idiot ."  

he glared at me again so I glared at him too. He smiled again and Pinch my nose.  

"You're so cute.."Look at this guy!Look at this guy..After glaring ,now pinching my nose. he's bullying me!Mama!Papa Take him with you already!!  Joke.  


after a few minutes , we are now here in the front gate of cemetery. We stop  for a while to buy some bouquet and Candle for them then after that we already step in inside. We park the car in the parking lot then before I was able to  step out the car  Baekhyun step out first before me and open the door .

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