♪Chapter 50♪- Bittersweet

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50: Bittersweet

Geurim's P.O.V

I'm already running for half an hour but I still can't see the top pf this place . Where am I anyway? All i can see is a white sorrounding and nothing else .

How did I ended up here? well I don't know why . I just landed here after I woke out from long slumber.

Gosh my beauty is ruining because of this endless pathways.

I sat for a while in the ground with no ground and think about how to get out in here . In not so faraway view I saw a white door appear so I stand up and walk towards it .

'How did it get in here, Its not here earlier' I thought to myself.I open the door and I saw a couple playing with kids .I walk closer to them ,their faces become clearer as I walk near them.The Couple was smiling at me while the children are waving . I gasp and covered my mouth when I foundout

who are those people.

"m-mama?p-papa?" I said almost crying.I  can't believe that I will be able to see them again after a long years  they passed away.Is this true or this is just a dream?

wait If i'm here..so that means i'm already dead?because my parents already passed away.

That's possible but don't mimd it anymore. I Hug my mom and dad really really tight and cried like a baby.I really miss them so much.It's been so long since the last time I hug them.
"Mama and Papa I missed you so much .Now we can be together again, don't leave me again okay ..let me stay here mom."

Mom tap her hand on my face and wipe the tears who falled from my cheeks "Dear...I want you to stay here but it's still not the time..You still have a mission in the Living world. There are many people who will be sad if you'll stay here.."

"Your Mom is right."

I feel so sad after what they just said. They are wrong because no one cares about me .I'm only experiencing pain when I was alive.

Speaking of which,how did I ended up in here?I should asked them ,maybe they know.

"hey mama,Papa how did I get in here?Am I dead like you two?" I asked but they didn't answer me,but  they hit my head slightly instead. "Ow what did you do that for?We seldom see each other after you two left and you treat your daughter like that? Mama and Papa sure are so mean Aigoo." I pouted like a duck just like what I'm doing back then.

"Idiot stop doing that!you look like a stupid one." Mama said as she did a wry face look while the kids at their back is laughing. Waaaah they're so cute!

I want to pinch their cheeks until it losen so that they are not cute anymore and I can be more cuter than them.Just kidding!But I really want to pinch their Cheek.So Kawaii!

"Mama ,papa please..Let me stay here.I think this place is really peaceful." 

I don't want to go back,if I go back maybe I'll cry again because of that Stupid president. I'm so tired you know.

Papa hold my shoulder and face me to him. "Listen Moo,This is still not the time for you to stay here just what like your mama said.You still have a mission.What will they gonna feel If you stay here ?Many people loves you Geurim ,they care for you.Specially him."

"Him?"  my brow turn into knots then a huge screen appeared infront of us and I saw the Image of. . me? "hey Mama why am I lying in the bed and there's a wire connected in my hand and on the other side is covered with bandages? why?"   I was thinking about that and suddenly it  came to my mind about that time I slit my hand. I covered my mouth with my hand after I realized what kind of. "OMG!Mama,papa It was me who hurt myself."

My Best Frienemy(Exo-Baekhyun) |EXO Series Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora