Rivers of use to be

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My tears pour rivers onto our past faces,

Our souls were empty with oblivion back then.

That picture is forever crinkled in my mind,

I shake my head in shame...

For I'm willing to start a journey,

Without you.

I have manifested a life only for me,

One that can't be influenced.


I weep rivers daily,

Knowing the person you could be,

I'm not the one to save you,

you must make your own destiny.

Am I to blunt to say?

That I must care for me,

before I care for you.

That's is why I must step away,

from the path we both walk.

You may not understand why I fade from your life,

But always remember,

Your touch use to send me beyond exstasy.

Your dark brown curls wrapped in my pale hands,

use to be forbidden land.

Oh, yes I'll admit your luscous lips use to be,

the only thing that made me lose sleep.


This is my final good bye,

for that was all use to be.

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