Eleven| one life or three

Start from the beginning

Monica dropped down and held her hands up. "Don't, please."

"Don't look at me!" He yelled. He couldn't bare to look at her, all he saw was Barcelona begging for her life as he took his shot.

Barcelona was with Nairobi when the gunshot went off, the hostages panicking. "What was that?" A woman asked as she held the stranger next to her closer.

"Everybody remain calm!" Nairobi yelled as she tried to get everyone under control. Barcelona was staring at the staircase, having a bad feeling in her gut. "I'll be back." She whispered, slowly walking towards the stairs but her walk turned into a sprint when another gunshot rang, echoing in her ears.

She met Berlin at the bathroom door before throwing it open, seeing Denver throw Monica's legs to the ground.

"Denver?" She felt sick to her stomach. "Two shots?" Berlin smirked and walked in. "Bad shot? Or do blondes make you nervous?" He teased, pissing off the both of them.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Denver yelled.

Barcelona moves past Berlin, walking to the still girl on the floor. "Monica?" She whispered, dropping to her knees in front of her. She almost screamed when she saw Monica staring at her, tears pooling her eyes begging for Barcelona not to give her way.

The dark haired girl looked to Denver, who's eyes were red and puffy but filled with worry. Berlin made his way over, looking over Barcelona's shoulder. "Take her to the basement, and when you're done." Berlin stopped at the door. "Come back and clean this."

When the door closed Barcelona stood tall. "What the fuck is going on!" She yelled and walked to Denver. "What are we going to do with her!" She held her hand to Monica who was nursing her bullet wound.

"Rosa-" Monica called from the ground. "Second safe, no one will know."

Barcelona thought back to the safe in the back of the building, no one ever went over there. "We need your code, I know Arturo gave you one." Monica spoke again, sitting up and turning towards the couple, watching Denver study the girl in front of him carefully.

"Help me get her up." Barcelona walked to Monica, grabbing her right arm and waited for Denver to follow.

Barcelona groaned as she saw blood stains on her left pant leg, Monica's face flashing through her mind. "Go back to your post."

Her head snapped up and she saw Berlin holding a gun to a still Moscú. "Enough!" She screamed and stood in front of a man she considered a father, he sure as hell cared for her like one.

"Lona, get out of the way." Moscú lightly tapped her side, wanted her to move but she held her ground. "What is wrong with you, Berlin?" She whispered, the man in front of her is not the man she'd do anything for.

He saw her eyes glistening, worry flashing through her eyes quickly before they were taken over by rage. "Why are you doing this!" She screamed, walking to him, she let the tip of the gun rest on her heart.

"You want him, you have to kill me first." Berlin gulped as he followed the tear that fell from her brown eyes, darkened from the overwhelming amount of emotions she felt as it trailed down her flushed cheeks, falling off her jaw bone and landing on her open jumpsuit.

"Come on, Berlin." She pressed forward letting the gun dig into her skin. "You want to kill? Take your best shot."

"Tesoro!" Moscú yelled from behind, his footsteps echoing in the hall. "Are you out of your fucking mind!" He looked at her blank face, studying her eyes that were dull, and the circles that rested under them.

"I'm not going to shoot you." Berlin whispered, dropping his gun down.

"Why!" She yelled and picked his wrist up, putting the gun back in place. "You wanna be a big shot so bad, here's your chance!" She knew her point was getting to him as she watched his face fall.

"I'm not going to shoot you!" He yelled and yanked his hand away, putting the gun back.

Moscú grabbed her arm and carefully dragged her out of the hallway. "You have some explain to do, young lady." The older man whispered as he opened a door to a secluded room.

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