Check Up- Comfort

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This is for Band_freak_12 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️ also this will refer to littles and daddy's so if you don't like that then you can either just be kind about it and not really care but if you totally hate it then you can stop reading this right now (-:

Helen's POV
I laugh softly and slap Andy's chest gently "I don't wanna wake up" I whined and he smiles "cmonnn please. For me" he squeezes me and I keep my eyes shut burying my head in his chest "stop... Please... I barely slept last night" I pout and he smirks "well it isn't my fault you were a needy princess" he kisses my head holding me close "but still... Just let me sleep for five more minutes. Pweaseeee" he smiles and I can see he cracks "fine but only five minutes" I smile and curl into him holding him tightly relaxing more. What felt like ten seconds I was woken up again "daddyyyyy.... Leave me alone" he smiles and squeezes my ass gently causing me to squeal as it was way too early "cmon remember you've got that face time to do" he kisses my head and I pout "but I'm still sleepy" I rub at my eyes and he chuckles wrapping his arms around me and pulling me up "time to get up babe" I shake my head refusing to open my eyes. "I'm here waiting" I hear my best friends voice and sit up quickly staring at the screen. She smirks and waves "wakey wakey helen" she laughs and I glare at her "shut up amber" she laughs and Andy smiles pressing a kiss to my head "do you want some breakfast?" I nodded and he smiles kissing my cheek gently "okay... Egg and soldiers okay?" I nod and smile pressing a kiss to his lips. "so how are you over there?" I ask. Amber shrugs and smiles "it kinda sucks... I can't see you, I can't see harry... I can't see anyone and ugh its getting too much" I nod pouting slightly "that's why I will never go to university. I will miss everyone too much" amber smiles and sits criss cross on her bed "well to be completely honest there's some really cool people here but yeah distance isn't cool but also it wasn't my choice it was my damned parents" I nod "that's suckish" I sigh and watch her "it really isn't fair. I haven't been able to talk to you in ages" I whisper and amber nods resting her chin on her hand "yeah I'm really sorry... My phone broke and I didn't have enough money to get it repaired" she smiles and I nod slowly "I'm giving you a hug right now" she shouts and I giggle as she wraps her arms around herself. I do the same and we both laugh "see? Now you should feel better" I smile wide and nod "I do feel better" I rub my eyes and yawn slightly "I need to get changed but stay online" she nods and starts to do some work. I get my clothes and hear my door open "Helen can I talk with you for a sec?" I look up and notice my brother Rye "yeah sure. What's up?" he shows me his computer and I look at the email immediately feeling sick to the stomach "any reason why you haven't been to the dentist recently?" I shrug and play with my yungblud socks. Rye snatches them away and raises his eyebrow "talk to me otherwise I'll tell Andy... I swear Helen" I glare at him "you're so mean!" he sighs "I'm only looking out for you... Why haven't you been going to the dentist?" I shrug and rye sighs "I can't understand what you mean if you shrug" I roll my eyes and get back into shot of camera view and look at amber for help "her dentist was ill rye. Don't have a go at her" rye sits beside me "but it says here her dentist was in so stop lying... I'm only looking out for you... I'm sorry for yelling. Please just be honest with me" I slap his arm gently "rye quit it seriously! I don't want to talk about this anymore!" he ignores my slaps and brings up another email "Helen Beaumont didn't show up today. I'm wondering whether she's okay as she hasn't been for about a year" I look down at my hands as rye read it out "I have to tell Andy" I shake my head and jump on him as he stands up "no! Please no! He'll be so mad! Please!" I tear up and hold him tightly "I just want what's best for you. I'm sorry but I have to." I give up and fall onto the bed curling up under the covers and crying "no dont cry. Please don't cry. Helen it's okay. He only wants to protect you" I hear amber say but I ignore her and sit up "I'll call you back later" I turn my phone off and cry into my pillow. A while later I heard my door open and clinking of cutlery "kitten, I'm not mad" I ignore him keeping the covers over my head. He gently pulls them down and smiles softly at me whilst tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. He smiles sadly "I know you're scared of going to the dentist baby but you need to understand that they need to make sure your teeth are okay" I shake my head and he pulls me into his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist crying into his neck. He rubs my back shushing me gently "darling I'm not mad... Listen, listen babe please" he tilts my chin up using his finger and he smiles sweetly "I'm a dentist and I-" I cut him off quickly "no! No! No! I'm not having you check my teeth! I know you would never hurt me but no!" I struggle against him and he holds me tight "helen breathe... I'm not going to force you into anything but I just want to look after you... I'm sorry rye shouted at you but he just wants to protect you" I sniffle and he looks at me sadly "you can cry baby girl... Its okay I won't judge you... I completely understand your terror of dentists" I shake my head whimpering "but you don't! You really don't! You're a dentist!" he nods "yes I am but I was a kid and growing up I was scared shit less of dentists" he rubs my back kissing my head gently "just enjoy your food baby and when you've calmed down come talk to me okay. I need to go tidy up" he kisses my head and turns on the TV for me before smiling sweetly. I start to eat my food knowing I had to calm down. After a while I found the courage and stood up carrying my plate downstairs and putting it on the side. I see Andy in the game room and slowly go towards him biting my lip gently "d-daddy?" I knock on the door and he looks towards me smiling gently "hey angel cake" I go over to him and sit down on his lap cuddling into him. He smiles and wraps his arms around me pressing a kiss to my head "you feeling more calm now?" I nod and he smiles "good I'm glad" I watch him play for a while before sighing and tugging at his shirt "yes darling?" I bite my lip and he smiles urging me to talk "you can check my teeth" he smiles and kisses my head. "aw thank you baby doll. You're so brave" he smiles and kisses my head. I hold him tight and close my eyes trying not to freak out again. "we'll do it in a week okay" I nod and he kisses my head smiling wide.

A week later

Andy holds my hand tightly and smiles "okay I know you're anxious but I promise I'll be so so gentle" I nod and get out of the car holding his hand tightly "do you think rye is disappointed" he shakes his head "of course not... He's just worried for his little sister" he smiles and wraps his arm around me pulling me into the doctors office "hey harper can you sign her in" harper nods and smiles. Andy takes me to a room which was really white and made me slightly uncomfortable "okay have a seat hun" I sit down hesitantly and bite my lip trying to stay relaxed "okay so I'm just going to be looking at your teeth with my mirror first. No explorer" he smiles and I nod watching as he put his mask and gloves on immediately feeling sick and I try to relax squeezing my eyes shut tightly. He holds his hand on my shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze "I'm terrified" I whimper. He pulls his mask down to his chin and smiles sweetly "I promise you don't have to be... I'm going to be gentle" I sigh and close my eyes tightly. "good girl kitten. You're being so brave for me right now" I feel the mirror touch my lips telling me to open and I do. I breathe slowly through my nose and stay as Calm as possible "good girl... I'm proud of you" he begins to check and calls out some numbers as he taps my teeth gently "okay they look great.... All I'm going to do now is use my explorer" I shake my head and start to breathe heavily "no! No! I'm sorry but no! Please! I'm sorry I'm such a burden!!" I begin to cry and Andy sits the chair up quickly before pulling me onto his lap rubbing my back soothingly "shhhh you're not a burden I promise... I understand you... Just take deep breaths honey... I'm not going to judge you" I cry into his chest not knowing how to process everything going on the anxiety in me spilling over "hey dom grab me some water" he picks me up and lies me down on the bed gently stroking my hair back. I watch as dom walks in his figure slightly blurry someone takes my hand as Andy helps me drink some water "nice deep breaths princess... In and out... Follow me" I feel my hand on a chest and I look up noticing dom. I smile weakly as he takes deep breaths. I slowly begin to follow him and he smiles "good girl... Just like that" he continues until I've calmed down completely. I try to sit up but dom pushes me down gently "easy does it love... You don't wanna sit up too quick" he wraps an arm around me and helps me slowly sit up. Andy rubs my back soothingly and dom makes sure I'm okay before smiling "I can handle this now man. Thanks" dom nods and kisses my head before walking off. Andy keeps me close and rubs my head "okay so when I checked your teeth with the mirror they were fine and I didn't find anything bad so I think we can forget about that and head home. How does that sound?" I nod and smile at him leaning into him "yes please... I need that... I just wanna cuddle" he smiles and kisses my cheek "okay but you might wanna cuddle with someone else when we get home" I give him a strange look and he smiles "I managed to get someone over here to surprise you" I smile widely and he kisses my head picking me up and carrying me out. I thank dom quietly and wave at him happily. Andy opens the car door and helps me get in before pressing a kiss to my head "I'm so proud of you angel" I smile and he kisses my lips gently before getting in himself. "also here" he smiles and pulls a lolly from his pocket. I squeal and he chuckles "I knew you'd like that" I nod and he smiles admiring me before starting to drive home.

As we get home I notice a strange car on the driveway but I don't really think much. I walk in with Andy holding his hand tightly. The room was dark and I watched as the lights flicked on and all my friends and family jumped out. I look around looking for that one person "where is she?" I ask worriedly just wanting to see my best friend "I'm right hereeeee!!" I look up to the staircase and see amber immediately running upstairs and towards her. I tackle her to the ground and she laughs holding me tight after a while she stood up and helped me up but I wouldn't let her go. She smiles and keeps hold of me."hey... Who's that?" I watch as amber looks towards my bedroom door and I give her a strange look. I open the door slowly and see Tony and Vic stood there. My eyes widen and I cover my mouth squealing loudly I run into them and they hold me tightly "oh my gosh it's so nice to meet you" they smile "same to you love" I hold them tightly and smile wide "and we've got one more suprise" came Andy's voice from behind me. I turned around and looked down staring at Andy who was on one knee "oh my gosh... Andy are you serious?!" he nods and smiles "helen will you marry me?" I tried to take it all in before squealing and nodding jumping on top of him holding him tight as he slipped the ring on my finger. He stood up and brought me in for a gentle kiss "I love you" I smile and hold onto him tightly "I love you too" I give him a squeeze" I keep him in my arms tightly before music started up "Let's partyyyyy!!!" amber and rye screamed at the same time. I giggled softly. Best day ever.

I hope this was okay ❤️

Word count: 2375

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