Doctors orders

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Y/n's POV
Having a doctor as a boyfriend came with its advantages and disadvantages. It was practically a full time job trying to act okay if sick in front of him. He could easily tell sickness from a mile away. Even if I just wasn't taking care of myself he'd go mad and would be able to sense that too.

I studied business and had to get in work all the time, the workload was insane and the only way I could ever get through it was staying up every night and doing it then sleeping throughout the day. However Harry disagreed a lot on that one telling me that "y/n you come first. Work can wait." But as always that was easier said than done. My motivation always seemed to hit me like a truck late at night but in the afternoon or morning it was a steady flow of no motivation what so ever so I only did what I could and that was staying up doing work but again, you'd do anything to get the right grade wouldn't you?

The papers outlined my desk as I typed everything onto my computer as an extra resource that held all necessary and important items. Harry was asleep in bed and I was just getting all the work necessary done. I checked my phone the time being the dreaded time of 5:55 in the morning, my eyes close to drooping from how tired I was but I kept going doing different questions, equations ect, my brain wasn't functioning correctly but I had to do this. I had to and so I got on with what I had to do however falling asleep, head rested amongst folders, paper and pens was not what I expected at all and when Harry awoke to his alarm he sure as hell didn't expect the sight of his girlfriend asleep on her desk.

Harry's POV
Harry furrowed his brows in slight concern as he got up off of the bed making his way towards her as he rested his hand on her back "babe." he gently rubbed up and down her back slowly and gently watching as she immediately sat up straight her hands starting to type at the computer almost as if her brain was constantly programmed to work. Work. And work. "Okay okay okay nope. Stop." He spoke resting his hands against her hands intertwining his fingers with hers "enough. You've done enough studying. Its nearing 10am... you need rest." He spoke sternly watching as she frowned "but I did rest h-" he gently cut her off "proper rest y/n. You fell asleep on your laptop. What kind of rest is that?" He questioned rhetorically, watching as she looked desperately at her laptop and he closed it shutting it off as he picked it up placing it down on the floor out of view before helping y/n stand up "c'mon you need to sleep." He said ignoring her persistent whines and complaints, helping her get into bed as he tucked her in "now sleep and get some rest." He spoke gently as he rubbed some of her hair off of her forehead before leaning down pressing a kiss to her lips "I love you." He spoke gently as he smiled watching as she tiredly slurred a "love you too" back before he smiled watching as she curled up into a ball, falling asleep almost instantly before he grabbed his things and left for a busy day at the doctors office.

As his break occurred he decided to do some digging on y/n's folders knowing she was most definitely due a checkup soon and he was of course stern and sure to make sure she went to every check up whenever she needed them and he knew she hated them but they were just checkups that needed to happen. "Tomorrow. Perfect." He spoke to himself writing down her name into his first appointment slot before he easily continued on with his day. He knew she wouldn't like it- no one liked the doctors but it was necessary.

Later on that evening he made his way home, as he opened the front door the house was quieter than usual which was a bit odd but he thought nothing of it "babe I'm home." He called happily and he put his things down before making his way into the kitchen seeing y/n, headphones on and overloading herself with work. Again. He let out a soft sigh as he shook his head slowly making his way towards her as he shut her laptop "y/n it's the weekend practically. Give yourself a break." He spoke sternly and she looked at him annoyance in her eyes "Harry I'm fine." She said softly a small smile forming on her lips as she continued studying much to his annoyance but she was stubborn and he couldn't change that.

The next day

"The doctors? What? An appointment? Harry you're mad. Insane. You know I hate doctors" I exclaim panicked and he gently rested a hand on my shoulder "I know you do y/n but it's just a checkup. Nothing else. I promise." He assured but I wasn't having any of it I didn't want any of it. "I'm feeling just fine... just fine. I dont need to see a doctor." I said glaring at him crossing my arms over my chest and he smiled softly "I just want you to be okay darling. Your health is important. But if you really don't like the doctors which I know you don't let's adjust it for you. How about I do the medical exam here..." he suggested and I thought silently to myself before sighing and nodding "fine... but no shots today. None." And he let out a soft chuckle "no shots today."

"Okay let me know if this hurts." He spoke as he began feeling my stomach keeping his eyes on my face looking for any discomfort and then he did the part where he tapped his own hand against my stomach to see whether anything was sensitive "okay that's good." He murmured writing something down lightly pulling my T-shirt back down as he grabbed the dreaded blood pressure cuff and I sighed looking away as he placed it onto my arm "it's just going to hug your arm. That's all." He said smiling softly "just remember to keep breathing." He said holding my hand knowing it comforted me and as the blood pressure cuff slowly began to loosen I let out a breath of relief. "Alright it's slightly higher than usual but I believe that's because of stress and you pushing yourself far too much and for that I'm going to prescribe you with some enalipril tablets and also suggest you stagger the amount of times you study. Give yourself breaks is all I'm saying... or well I'm ordering you to give yourself breaks. Doctors orders." He said with a soft grin as I rolled my eyes at his silliness that I couldn't help but adore him. "Okay but you'll have to remind-" I fell silent as I sneezed very abruptly and a soft smile tugged at his lips "bless you, and I will remind you don't worry." He comforted with an assuring nod as I used a tissue to wipe my nose knowing full well I was definitely coming down with something "I'll also get you some medicine for the new cold symptoms that are showing already alright? And as I said no pushing yourself too far with work. Give yourself breaks. Please." He gently took my hands into his "I care about you and want you to be okay... so... doctors orders are to relax and don't work at all for the next couple of days. Let your body rest and recuperate." He spoke gently and a soft smile tugged at my lips as I nodded my head "okay I will." I spoke as he smiled planting a loving kiss against my lips as he held me close and i cuddled into him... maybe following the doctors orders was a good idea.

Hope this was okay(:

Word count: 1369

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