Inhaler Outage

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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like it. I'm going to change it up slightly as some of the other stories on here about inhalers are quite repetitive. I hope that it okay ❤️😳

Shay's POV
I was sat with my boyfriend Harry. I smiled up at him as he started to play with my hair gently "have you heard the news buttercup?" he kisses my head gently and I shake my head "no... Is it bad?" I ask softly with a concerned look on my face "not that bad love... The pharmacy's and doctors have all ran out of inhalers" I gave him an odd look "how's that even possible?" he sighs and puts the TV on and I watch as a news reporter walks around the shop a mask on her face "are you sure it's not bad?" he shushes me as she starts to talk "so as you can see right now in Australias most busiest clinic... Its empty except from a few staff trying to deal with these times. Covid-19 has effected all of us massively but it's effected the chemist and pharmacy worst of all... Nine men in all black broke in here last night and stole most of the medication and inhalers. We assume they're going to be selling them to get money as this happened in our local argos when a couple bought around fourty baby bottles. They were found to be selling them for money. Now moving on to the things that doctors are worrying about. This season is known for coughs, colds and everything like that so inhalers for asthmatics are going to be needed urgently and I promise you everyone is working as hard as they can to get everything back in stock again... Back to you bill" I look towards harry and feel slightly sick "w-what if I have an asthma attack and everything goes wrong?!" he pulls me close and kisses my head "deep breaths honey.... Take deep breaths" he rubs my back gently and smiles "Let's go relax, yeah?" I nod and he turns the TV off before standing up and taking my hand in his and walking with me upstairs. He opens the door and shuts it before sitting on the bed and patting his lap. I sit down on his knee and he smiles holding me tightly."you know we'll be perfectly safe babe... I'll always protect you" I nod and cuddle into him relaxing more and more.

In the middle of the night

I slowly open my eyes and look around feeling a horrible feeling in my chest. I slowly sat up before grabbing the bottle of water beside my bed and taking a sip of it trying to soothe my throat. I close my eyes again and slowly lean back down cuddling back into Harry's embrace. He opens his eyes and smiles "can't sleep?" he asked sweetly. His voice was husky and I sighed tracing patterns on his chest "no I can't" he smiles and pulls me close rubbing my back gently "you know if I couldn't sleep when I was younger I would listen to Gemma's breathing and I would mimic it so maybe you should try that" he smiles "close your eyes" I close my eyes and giggle softly "you're not tired at all are you?" I shake my head and he rolls his eyes "you munchkin!" he squeezes both of my cheeks and I giggle "you really are silly" I glare at him "no you're silly hazza" he laughs and presses a kiss to my head. I lean my head on his chest and gulp starting to feel the same sensation "babe why are you so tense?" I breathed heavily and shrugged "you can tell me... Cmon baby girl" he puts a finger under my chin and lifts it up gently "I-i can't breathe very well" he furrowed his eyebrows concerned before sitting up and climbing out of bed grabbing his stethoscope from his medical back. He put the ear pieces in his ears before kneeling beside me. He puts it on my chest "deep breaths" I took deep breaths and I held onto him tightly "okay there's a slight crackle" I whimpered and harry shushed me "it's okay babe I'm going to take care of you" I gripped his shoulders as I began to panic. He pulled the drawer out and grabbed my inhaler pushing it into my mouth and pushing it down. "there's none in there!" I sobbed and harry shook it slightly trying again "hey hey that's okay princess that's okay" he puts his pillows on my pillows before lying me down in a certain position "take nice deep breaths for me... Nice deep breath. Copy me baby" he straddled my waist and held both of my hands trying to get me to focus "deep breaths" I shivered and wheezed slightly but couldn't calm my breathing. He puts my hand on his chest and begins to exaggerate his breathing but still I wouldn't obey. He grabs his oxygen mask from his bag and puts it on my face "breathe in through your nose out through your mouth" I nod and begin to do as he said gripping his hands tightly. He smiles and rubs my hair back gently "good girl you're doing so well" he played with my hair making me focus on him more than anything else "you're doing so well" he kisses my hand and smiles. I try to stop my body from shaking but I can't "baby don't try to stop it it's okay... Its natural... You're scared and in shock because not being able to breathe is horrible and your inhaler being out of oxygen is just like a horror movie so I understand you" he smiles and continues to help me calm down until my chest had loosened up a bit and I was more calm "that's it... Good girl" he smiles and I close my eyes breathing deeply. I lean my head down and harry holds my head in hi hands "good girl you've done me so proud" I take the mask off and cough slightly as the air helped me bring up what needed to get out of my system. Harry rubs my back and smiles before getting beside me and wrapping his arms around me pulling the duvet over us "do you feel better now?" I nod and he smiles kissing me softly "that's what I like to here doll.... I love you" I smile "I love you more haz... You're amazing"

I hope you liked this one ❤️

Q- what would you do if your favorite celebrity calmed you down from an asthma attack/ panic attack?

Word count: 1126

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