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Hey all I hope you're all doing okay! I'm finally back after a long break! Sorry for the absence but I'm back now and hoping to be writing more! I've gotten some of my motivation back to write! I may be on and off whilst writing as my personal life is rather busy but I can't wait to start writing again! Just a warning my writing may be a little bit rusty so I apologise in advance. If you have any requests feel free to send them in x

This was requested by @IsaMisa1234_Iguess I hope you like this one!

Charlie's POV
I was sat on the benches in the hall which was mainly used for physical education, netball, gymnastics and all those sports. I was awaiting my turn to sign a form to be able to get into my colleges gymnastics team and in all honesty I was excited but still a little bit nervous because I often thought badly about myself but I always told myself that everyone was like that and well it was true everyone was and most definitely had been insecure in some part of their life.

I played with my hands nervously my nerves making me pick at my nails worriedly. I was beyond excited to join but it was mainly the factor of rejection that was slightly scary. "Hey Charlie" my friend greeted and I smiled "hi," she sat down beside me "you excited? You're gonna do just fine." She reassured and I smiled "thanks I hope so." She nodded patting my back gently "it's nothing to worry about." She said in a comforting manner before my attention turned to the gymnastic coaches talking to each other quietly. "Charlie" one of them called my name and I stood up making my way towards them. "Hello. Okay so all of us have been talking and we've seen your skills in gymnastics so we want you on our team for definite but you will need to pass the checkups first." He explained my heart dropping into my stomach as I felt my nerves grow stronger "checkups?" I asked quietly and he nodded "yeah. So dental checkups and just regular doctor check up." He explained and my lips parted. I hated check ups of any kind. "Do I really have to have a check up?" I asked anxiously practically ready to do anything so I didn't have to have this checkup. "Unfortunately yes. It's what everyone has to go through. Doctor styles will be waiting at the nurses office" he said smiling at me a concerned look forming on his face as he must've surely noticed how pale my face had become. Almost as pale as a sheet. I was terrified. Absolutely terrified.

I made my way back to the benches my hands trembling as my friend looked at me with a worried frown "what's wrong?" She asked and I sighed shaking my head "I've got to have a checkup... dentist and doctor." I explained worriedly practically ready to just call quits on the gymnastics team however my friend gave me one of the 'you'll regret it' looks and I sighed. "But I cant-" she cut me off quickly "don't even think about it Charlie. If you don't do this you'll miss out on a huge opportunity and you'll regret it trust me." She said and I sighed defeated knowing she was very right. I ran a hand over my face before nodding "okay I'll go." I said picking my bag up before making my way out of the hall trying to stay calm. Doctor styles should be nice right? Surely. Just breathe. I reminded myself taking simple deep breaths as I tried to stop myself from trembling.

I came to a stop outside of the nurses office and spent about five minutes persuading myself to knock however I stayed frozen in spot my body rigid as I didn't dare move my eyes filled with fright. It was genuinely scary. Terrifying even. I zoned out trying to stop panicking however the sound of the door right in front of me opening brought me back to reality and I stared up at the kind looking man his emerald green eyes filled with warmth and kindness the gentle smile caressing his lips being welcoming and comforting the dimples that seemed to be placed perfectly into his cheeks were a very noticeable feature. "Oh- hello. Are you Charlie?" He asked however I didn't utter a word his eyes filling with slight worry however a knowing look was on his face almost as if he knew exactly what I was going through. "I'm doctor styles. But you can call me harry." He said offering me his hand to shake and shakily I took his hand shaking his hand "I'm Charlie" I muttered softly my eyes filled with anxiety. "Pleasure to meet you Charlie." He said smiling at me. "Come on in" he said stepping out of the way holding the door open for me and I looked at him worriedly before hesitantly taking little steps into the room practically anxiety ridden. He placed a gentle hand onto my back as he guided me into the room the dreaded dentist chair seeming to mock me as both the chair and myself knew I had no way out of this.

I took a shaky breath as I sat down leaning back into the chair as I tried to breathe normally the panic only gradually growing. "So tell me what types of things do you like to do?" He asked obviously trying to soothe me as he pulled some gloves on. "Uh-... gymnastics... sports... stuff like that." I said my breathing not once slowing down my brain going a million miles per second making thinking very difficult. He pulled the stool closer to me as he picked up the mirror and explorer my heart dropping as I felt truly sick and I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt my body jolt from the chair being slowly leaned down. "Tell me about yourself" he said however I couldn't get a word out too frightened. "It's okay... just breathe. Alright Charlie here we go. Open up wide" he said and I slowly opened my mouth barely wide enough and he lightly tapped my chin with his finger and I opened wider "good job" he praised softly as he began checking my teeth his forest green eyes filled with comfort and kindness. A sudden sting ran around my mouth making me clamp my teeth together as he cradled my jaw into my hands tears forming in my eyes. "Sorry... sorry. I think that might've been a possible cavity or just sensitive tooth." He comforted his hand resting on my shoulder as he tried to settle me down however I could barely settle down my heart pounding harshly against my rib cage as panic slowly started to settle in more.

"Okay can you open your-" Harry fell silent as he looked at me concern seeming to grow in his eyes as I struggled to breathe practically panting my eyes hazy as I struggled to control my breathing and I barely processed the fact that the chair had been sat up and Harry was knelt in front of me trying to get my attention "hey hey hey..." he said softly grabbing my hands in his "look into my eyes. Look into my eyes." He demanded softly and I struggled to but slowly looked into his eyes "what colour are my eyes?" He asked. "g-green" I stuttered shakily "what does the colour green remind you off?" He asked doing everything in his power to calm me down. "Uh... a forest..." I said my breathing still fairly heavy and he nodded "good good. Focus on your breathing. In for four. Hold for four. Then out for four. Yeah? With me okay..." he took a deep breath in squeezing my hand four times a silent way to count to four and we repeated that a couple more times until my breathing had become calmer. "There you go. Well done" he praised rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand slowly as he smiled reassuringly at me. He slowly stood up "I'll grab you a bottle of water." He said and walked towards his bag pulling out a bottle of water and a cup and pouring the water into the cup before giving it to me. I shakily gulped down the water slowly feeling myself calm down. Slowly but surely I was calming down. Somehow I was getting through it and I knew it was mainly due to Harry being patient and calm with me.

Harry allowed me to calm down for as long as I needed and eventually I was ready to go again. He sat there patiently making small talk with me as I got used to his company. "I'm ready... I think." I spoke softly and he smiled "perfect. Open wide for me." He said as he began checking my teeth again especially the sore one his warm eyes slightly squinted his jaw clenched as he concentrated his brows furrowing every so often before he tapped the tooth that was causing me pain and i winced "sorry," he apologised before he sat up straighter "okay I can see what the trouble is. There's no cavity however there is a lot of sensitivity so I would suggest try to eat less freezing cold foods like ice creams or ice cubes or things like that. I'm not saying don't have them at all just suggesting to limit them down." He said kindly and I nodded slowly "okay thank you." He smiled kindly "no worries. And I can prescribe you with some sensitivity tooth paste as that stuff works wonders." He said smiling and I nodded as he slowly sat me back up "yes please..." I said and he nodded as he slid over towards the computer typing some things down as he printed off a sheet of paper. "Here you go here's your prescription. You can pick it up at your local chemist." He explained and I nodded "thank you so much..." i stuck my hand out for him to shake as I stood up and he smiled taking my hand into his as he shook it gently "you're very welcome. Good luck with your gymnastics club. You'll do amazingly." He patted my shoulder smiling and I smiled making my way out of there much to my relief but I must admit I won't feel that nervous anymore knowing Harry was going to be the dentist there for a very long time.

I hope you liked this one! <3

Word count: 1784

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