Comforting arms

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This request is for someone who didn't want to be mentioned. I hope you like it.

Ember's POV
I listened to my fiancé, Harry snore softly as I stared up at the ceiling not being able to sleep. Recently I had given birth to our son, George. Being a parent is much harder than I expected. I haven't really managed to sleep but I don't mind. I'm devoted to not only Harry but also George- I would much rather be awake instead of them. They need their sleep: I don't. As Harry shifted I looked towards him smiling slightly, the moon shined down on his soft skin. The moon being the only source of light really brought out the detail in his face. I studied his features and smiled to myself before flinching slightly as I heard George's loud wailing. I let out a soft sigh and slowly sat up but felt a hand rest on my shoulder "I'll go get him" Harry grumbled softly as he sat up and I shook my head "you relax babe. I can do it" I smiled reassuringly at him before throwing the covers off me before standing up and Harry went to protest but I shook my head and he fell silent. I walked towards the crib which was in the far corner of our shared bedroom and I sighed softly "hey hey baby boy I'm right here," I put my hands underneath his arms as I slowly and carefully picked him up holding him close to my chest as I cradled him "shhh Georgie I'm here... shhh mummy's here" I rubbed up and down his back slowly and slightly rocked him as I yawned my eyes heavy. Harry turned the light on and gazed at me before he stood up "you look tired" I glanced at him and shook my head "I'm fine," he frowned and walked towards me "don't lie to me... how much sleep have you gotten?" I rubbed up and down George's back as I started to walk around trying to ease his cries ignoring Harry's question. "Let me take him" he stood in front of me and held his hands out for George and I shook my head "I'm fine Harry" he sighs and carefully pulled George out of my arms and George's cries got louder. Harry cradled George close and he began to sing his angelic voice immediately silencing George's cries and I stared at Harry in awe. He put a finger to his lips as if to tell me to stay quiet and I nodded slightly. Harry kept one arm wrapped around George before he used his free hand to grab George's blanket. He wrapped the blanket around the now peaceful child and I sighed in relief closing my eyes in slight exhaustion. He gently laid George back into the crib before he walked towards me pulling me into his arms as he slowly rocked the both of us side to side slowly. "You need to sleep... don't say no because you are tired... the bags under your eyes show that" he whispered and I only nodded. "Want me to tuck you in?" He questioned and I shot him a smile and he nodded walking me to bed. I crawled into bed and instantly collapsed into the warm sheets. Harry wrapped the covers around me pushing the edges under me so I was cocooned before he grins softly and climbs into bed his arms wrapping around me tightly. I snuggled into him, nuzzling my face into his neck as I let my heavy eyes slowly shut. His arms were wrapped around me holding me against his chest as he started to hum a quiet tune "just go to sleep darling... if George wakes up I'll take him downstairs, alright?" I only nodded my limbs slowly relaxing as I went limp in his arms finally letting the exhaustion take over my body and I fell into a deep sleep.

Harry's POV
I continued to rub up and down her back to keep her calm and I didn't stop humming 'adore you'. After a while I fell silent and closed my eyes before I heard George starting to whimper again and I gently let go of her pressing a kiss to her forehead before standing up, George's cries starting to get louder again. I rushed towards him and quickly picked him up "hey hey shh buddy I'm here" I rubbed his back slowly and grabbed his blanket before rushing out of the bedroom closing the door quietly. I made my way downstairs continuing to slightly rock George as I turned all the lights on. "What's wrong, hey? Why you keeping your mummy up all the time? Hm." I smiled to myself and flicked the switch on the kettle down as I got some milk out from the fridge. I poured some into a jug with one hand before opening the microwave and putting the milk into it. I shut it and set a timer before wrapping my arms around George again quietly humming. George's cries were very faint but they were dying down. I pressed a little kiss to his forehead hushing him as he started to cry again "hey daddy's here..." I whispered. The microwave dinged and I opened the door pulling the milk out letting it sit for a while so it could cool down. After a while I picked George's bottle up unscrewing the lid before pouring the warm milk into it. I put the lid back on before setting it on the side and grabbing a small towel, putting it over my shoulder before I picked the bottle up again walking into the living room. I sat down pulling George close before I began to feed him milk. I rubbed his back every now and then to keep him calm. George suckled on the bottle as I held him watching as his eyes started to get droopy. I sighed and leaned back into the couch. As the bottle stopped moving I looked down noticing George had fallen asleep again. I shifted slightly before leaning my head back my eyes fluttering shut. I cleared my throat quietly before I stood up slowly being careful not to wake George before I turned the lights off again and made my way upstairs. I walked into our bedroom before shutting the door quietly and putting George back into the crib quietly putting the teddy closer to him and grabbing his dummy smiling as I admired the small dinosaur on the front of it. I chuckled before pushing the dummy into his mouth gently watching as he suckled but stayed asleep. I sighed softly and leaned my head back before walking towards the bed. I got in pulling the blankets close as ember immediately curled up into me and I wrapped my arms around her cuddling into her. "I love you darling" I whispered softly as I played with her hair letting my eyes shut as I finally fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

I hope you all liked this one!

Stay safe out there ❤️

Word count: 1189

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