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This is for awesomecat3789 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️💜💜💕💕🤩🤩😍😍🥰🥰🥺♥️♥️💜💜❤️❤️

Leah's POV
"Liam!!" I shout as I run faster and faster he laughs and follows. I jump over the slide and he follows my actions before he grabs me wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me tight. I squeal and wriggle around trying to get out of his grip but he just holds me tighter. He kisses my cheek and I try to stop laughing but I just can't. Liam's grip on me loosens and I run as fast as I can towards the woods Liam follows and as I'm about to run into the woods I don't notice the piece of wood sticking up. My foot gets stuck and I fall over something sharp jabbing into my arm I let out a slight whine "Leah? You okay?" he kneeled down beside me and gave me a worried look "Jesus christ why do people just leave broken glasses and metal everywhere?!" I gave him a nervous glance "it's okay babe... Its not that bad" I try to look at my arm but liam forces me to look the other way as he takes his t-shirt off and wraps it around my arm "what is it Li?" I whispered absolutely terrified "don't worry baby I promise it's nothing bad... I just want to keep your arm in the right position" I gave him a strange look "t-then why does my arm hurt? Is there something in my arm?!" I asked starting to panic "no no no babe no" he pulled me up and into his chest holding me tight. I gripped him tightly and he rubbed my back "cmon I think its best if we go see harry" I pull away from him quickly "no." Liam raises his eyebrow slightly "but harry needs to check your arm out" I shook my head "you said there was nothing wrong with my arm so no" I sigh and Liam takes slow steps towards me as I take steps backwards "Leah your arm is fine but I want Harry to check it out... Its bleeding a lot" my stomach twisted and I felt my legs weaken slightly and a dazed look appeared in my eyes "and that's why I didn't want to tell you because I know you hate blood... Just stay with me Leah... Ive got you" he wrapped his arms around me before rushing me to the car. He opened the door and helped me get in before putting my seat belt on and kissing my head. He got in himself before taking my hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze I leaned my head back and closed my eyes the stinging feeling getting worse "w-what's wrong with my arm?" I asked nervously "I'm not telling you because I know you'll pass out just from the information" I nod and lick over my lips gently.

As we get to the doctors liam helps me out before walking me in very slowly and steadily. We walked in and I noticed harry talking to a nurse and laughing before his laugh died down as he noticed us. He smiled and walked over to us "hey Leah. Liam.... Why don't you have a t-shirt?" liam nodded towards my arm and harry seemed to understand "ah okay. Follow me" I felt myself become dizzy and I leaned into liam he picked me up and walked me into the room. He lied me down on the bed before whispering quietly to harry about what had happened. Harry hums a few times before he nods "okay man I'll have a look" liam smiled gratefully before walking towards me and taking my hand holding it tightly "be strong for me Leah... I'm right here" I smile lightly at him before closing my eyes as I felt the t-shirt being pulled slightly and the pain increased.

Harry's POV
I pulled the t-shirt from her arm gently "sorry love" I whispered as she winced. I examined her arm and looked at liam before shaking my head telling him it wasn't good "okay Leah... Has Liam told you the extent of the injury?" she shook her head keeping her eyes closed "okay well it isn't very good... You've got a large piece of metal in your arm I know that sounds absolutely insane but I'm not lying... You can have a look if you'd like but I think you'd rather look at liam" she nodded and continued to focus on liam "I'm a bit worried that the metal has gone so far into your arm that it's popped an artery but I can't be sure so I'm going to get my friend in here to help okay" she nodded and I smiled before walking out very quickly "hey niall can you come help for a sec" niall turned around and nodded following me back into the room "okay so Leah fell over and she's got a piece of metal stuck in her arm and it's gone very deep" I inform niall and he nods "okay... Hey Leah I want you to take a deep breath for me" she does so and niall squeezes her arm very gently but she doesn't react. I look at niall worried "nerve?" I whispered and he shook his head "no... I think it's from her adrenaline. I would say give her some numbing injections then take it out and if it is an artery then you know what to do" I nod and smile thanking him quietly before getting the numbing injections "okay Leah you may feel a few pinches but I promise it'll be over soon" she nodded and stared up at liam sadly. I cleaned her arm before injecting the five areas on her arm to make sure it would be completely numb. "okay this will be the worst part... Those injections work rather quickly and I want to do this quickly. This is the worst part definitely but please stay calm because you're in good hands" she nodded and liam smiled holding her face in his hands. I very carefully manoeuvre the piece of metal until I'm able to remove it. The blood gushes insanely but I'm trained well to work this out I very slowly and carefully looked inside the large cut until I noticed the small hole. I grabbed the small skin stapler before pushing it inside and clicking it down twice before checking and nodding "okay great... The blood flow has stopped... Now I'm going to get you some injections which will fight off any bacteria that went into your arm from that piece of metal" she nodded a terrified look on her face and I smiled sweetly "it's okay love"

Leah's POV
I stared up at liam absolutely horrified. All I wanted to do now was go home "also I'm going to stitch you up" I nodded feeling myself go numb "okay can you roll onto your back for me" harry whispers sweetly and with the help of harry and liam I managed to roll onto my back. I focused on liam and he smiled stroking my cheek with his thumb gently I felt little pressure but I had gotten used to it now "okay now I'm going to put this plaster over your stitch to keep it clean" I nodded and stared into Liam's eyes. He smiles "I'm so proud of you" he kisses my head and I smile "okay now can you sit up. I'm going to need to give you four injections. Two in your arms and two in your thighs" I felt my eyes widen and I whimpered "no-no please. I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine" I stand up and try to get out of there but harry grabs me gently and lifts me back on the bed where liam wraps his arms around my stomach and holds me tight. I lean my head on his shoulder and bite my lip trying to stay calm "okay this is going to sting but you're a strong girl so just take deep breaths" I nodded and continued to take deep breaths. He pushed the first injection in and my eyes teared up one tear falling down my cheek and harry immediately rubs it away before cleaning my other arm and injecting me with the other one "please not my thighs" I whimper. Liam's grip on me tightens and I begin to cry hysterically I was wearing shorts so I didn't need to take them off "take nice deep breaths for me" I take deep breaths and feel two sharp stings and I whimper before curling up into liam he holds me tight and kisses my head "good girl baby. You did so so well. Its all over now" harry smiled "you should be well in about 7 days. If you get worse just come back and I'll check you out... Also here" he handed me a special bag with three tubes of cream "that's for your stitch and the other creams are to soften it if it is too sharp" he smiles and kisses my head "now be more careful and have a good rest of the day" I give harry a hug and he squeezes me before letting me go and smiling. I cuddle back into liam and he picks me up "thanks harry" he fist bumps harry before carrying me out to the car "you were so brave princess. I'm so proud"

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥺😘😘😘🤩💕💕💕❤️❤️

Q- how are you

Word count: 1638

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