Safe from harms way

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This was requested by @alwayswritter I hope you like this one(:

Apologies for how long it took but I hope the wait was worth it. Thank you for your patience.

Diana's POV
Today was definitely one of those days, chaotic... crazy... absolutely insane. I worked at local hospitals whilst touring with the boys... yes... I tour with one direction. And no. I'm not making this up. They often have sold out shows for a large consecutive amount of days so I take up any jobs I possibly can whether that means working as crew backstage, being there to support the boys, being on standby for any fainting "squealers" the boys liked to call the fan girls squealers, it was quite fitting really. But the majority of the time I worked in hospitals and just tried to help out as best as I possibly could- that was most definitely weird and a bit odd but when I get the go ahead i immediately do what I'm able to do as I love and want to help as many people as I possibly can, I strive to look after people in need.

That day was going the same as usual, the boys had fifteen sold out shows in MSG and they were on their 13th show and today I was called into the local hospital to help out as there was a lack of staff. I drew back the curtain as I walked into the small sterile room "hello mr d-" I fell silent recognising the patient as the man who had recklessly gotten into two accidents only a few days ago. "Oh not you again" he snarled, his voice cruel and rude. "Hello to you too" I mumbled before exhaling quietly

"Alrighty, it seems that you need a tetanus injection today, is that correct?" I questioned prepping the needle, trying to simply get a conversation going "I'm fine- you're wasting your time with me... I don't need no shot. I don't need nothing." He said visibly agitated and I nodded "okay, I'll try and figure something out." I assured with a light smile, I read his files over again- he was definitely due a tetanus shot the car accident he was in forced him to have some hefty injuries that lead to possible tetanus and well if it wasn't treated it could be fatal.

"Okay sir I'm sorry but I'm going to have to give you this shot, it's only going to quick I assure you. And then you can go home and rest- alright?" I tried to calm him down but the more I spoke the more aggressive he became his breathing growing heavier as he snatched the injection out of my hand, throwing it down to the ground his hand in a split second grasping onto the scalpel on the metal tray before he swung it straight at me narrowly missing my neck as I immediately tried to fight him off "sir please put it down!" I begged but he didn't listen, his hand then slamming the scalpel into my thigh the pain being practically unbearable but I attempted to keep him at bay until security got there but as I got shoved back into the wall I couldn't do anything apart from watch as he sprinted away the commotion gaining the other nurses attention as they immediately rushed in to support me "shit- someone page security!" One of my colleagues shouted the warmth on my hands signalling that I was bleeding. Heavily. But I tried not to look down at the red liquid knowing it would only make panic set in and so I attempted to remain calm.

I don't like to admit it but I was afraid, very afraid. Who wouldn't be? "Can someone call the boys?" I managed to ask my hand trembling as I tried to pull my phone out but my colleague, Lisa was quick to stop me "I've got it don't worry look," and as I looked at her I realised she had my phone in her hands already, I was losing my mind. Minutes seemed to turn into seconds as the bleeding was suddenly replaced with a bandage and instead of being on the floor I was on a bed.

"She's right through here, I'm sorry to disturb your rehearsing-" "no no don't even apologise, Diana is our main and only priority. Ever." Harry's voice was heard assuring the very apologetic nurse as all five of them rushed into the room like a stampede of elephants there faces filled with worry, concern, fear and a bit of anger. "Don't all act so happy" I said in a playful manner trying to get them to laugh but none of their faces appeared to be amused in the slightest "are you okay?" Niall asked gently grabbing onto my hand and I smiled giving his hand a little squeeze "I'm perfectly fine... I'm more than capable of working. I'm good. The nurses bandaged me up. I'm okay," I said attempting to stand up but as I tried Harry's hands rested upon my shoulders as he gently pushed me back down into the bed "absolutely not. No way. You've literally just been stabbed. In the thigh. No way are you going to be on your feet all day with that type of injury."

"I hate when you're right"

I whispered earning a soft laugh from all the boys.

A few hours later

I was told to relax whilst the guys went to go get food, Zayn staying with me to make sure I was okay and didn't attempt to help anyone as they all knew what I was like. I didn't like listening to what they had to say. "Zayn please... I just want to help people" I said and he looked up from his phone as he studied me "I'm sorry Diana... you know I won't let you injure yourself anymore. It isn't worth adding insult to injury" he assured with a soft smile and i sighed, remaining silent knowing I wasn't going to get anything I wanted to hear out of him and so I stared down at my nails my stomach grumbling, I hadn't had my lunch yet so I was hungry. "Can you message Harry and ask whether he can get me something? Like chocolate?" I asked and Zayn nodded his head immediately tapping a few things on his phone as I gazed downwards, the sound of feet at the end of my bed grabbing my attention and I looked up expecting to see Harry already with my food but instead I saw him "shit. Zayn.." I said anxiously and as he realised the tension growing in the room he got an idea of who he was.

"Sir... just please calm down. We can sort this out." I tried to bargain with him fear in my eyes "no! No you bitch! You tried to kill me! You're all delusional in this damned.... Mental hospital! I don't need help but you need to die!" He spat out and as he lunged at me Zayn lunged at him immediately dragging him down to the floor trying to contain him as I immediately began pressing the nurses button and as the other four appeared at the entrance of the hospital room they immediately jumped into action Harry, Liam and Louis immediately helping Zayn contain the crazy psycho and Niall simply protecting me his arms wrapped around me tightly as I breathed heavily but didn't fail to notice how he was trembling ever so slightly too, was he scared? Why was he scared? Harry held the man down as Louis helped him and Liam rushed to get security whilst Zayn refrained himself from beating the living shit out of the careless dipshit but even throughout that all they all kept an eye on me... simply making sure I was okay.

Thankfully security removed him pretty quickly and I managed to eat my lunch whilst the boys and I talked about everything and anything. "I think I'm ready to go home..." I said "no one's said that though-" Liam started in which I smiled "doctors orders..." I murmured giggling whilst all the boys playfully groaned.

"Oh woah.... Harry- I can walk you know- oh my god..." I murmured blushing furiously as Harry carried me out to the car bridal style "I know you can but I don't want you hurting yourself more.. don't be defiant love." He said in which I sighed playfully before smiling shaking my head as much as I pretended to hate him I actually loved him... he was my world.

By the end of the night the boys were all asleep on the couch, nialls head gently resting on my shoulder as the film played quietly in the background, nialls breathing remained calm and slow but not too slow notifying me that he was awake "Niall... can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded slightly "mhm, go ahead." He said and I smiled "why were you worried and scared in the hospital? Be truthful..." I said and he exhaled quietly "because I love you."

He murmured gently as I felt a little blush form on my cheeks and I smiled to myself just hoping the darkness in the room hid the blush "seriously?" I asked gently and he nodded his head and I beamed happily how could he be so adorable?

I then pressed a little kiss to his cheek...

"Well good news... I love you too"

There was a slight pause but the feeling in the air made me realise he was happy, beaming, the soft chuckle that rumbled in his chest was enough of an answer before a collective "FINALLY" emerged from the other guys mouths "Louis you owe me £30!" Harry demanded as my eyes widened as I burst out laughing "you all betted on us?!" I practically yelled in which they looked at me grinning the simple grin being enough of an answer "you cheeky bastards..."

Hope you liked this one

Word count: 1677

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