Dislocated Shoulder

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This is for misswhatever0 I hope you like this one 🤩🤩😘😘😍😍❤️❤️💕💕🥰🥰😘😘🥰

Katie's POV
I laugh and run down the corridor as harry grabbed me "babe stop!" I shouted and slapped his arms playfully. "aww but I like cuddling you" I roll my eyes "well harry you know I have to get some marking done... Cmon you can sit with me if you'd like" he smiles and interlocks his fingers with mine. I smile and pull him into a class room before sitting down next to the desk "you can sit" I said smiling at him. I pull my phone out as I look at the time "3:30... Okay that gives me enough time to get atleast 19 papers done" harry smirks and watches me. I look at him and sigh "what is it now?" he bites his lip "you look cute when you're concentrating" I laugh and shake my head starting to mark the first paper "oh shush Harold" he holds onto his stomach as he laughs. I shake my head slightly and ignore him as best as I could. Harry was a doctor full time but sometimes he would come in and teach the younger kids how to play football and its really nice how he works with them "so..." I look up at harry and raise my eyebrows waiting for him to continue but all he did was shake his head and smile "never mind babe" I shrug but smile at him. Harry is my boyfriend and I don't know how I got so lucky to be with such a gorgeous man but I guess miracles happen. As I started to write again I heard a loud shout and a smash before something hard smacked my shoulder really hard. I cried out in pain and dropped the pen immediately grasping my shoulder in pain "oh jesus.... Did you see what hit you Katie?" harry starts to look around and I shake my head. He curses quietly "this hit you" I wince and stare at the iron ball "fuck me... Why the hell do they still use those?" I asked the adrenaline inside of me acting like morphine. Harry shakes his head "okay I need to examine you" I nodded and he stood up before walking towards me. He very gently started to press on my neck to make sure I had no pain in it then he checked my head "slight blood but I will sort that later" he then very slowly looked at my shoulder his hands slightly shaky but he kept himself calm. "okay you've dislocated your shoulder" my eyes widened and harry smiled "it's okay baby girl. Don't worry" I watched as the door opened and a young boy rushed in "I'm so sorry miss... I didn't mean for that to happen" he had tears streaming down his cheeks and I smiled through the pain "hey its okay hun. You didn't mean it and I'm not angry. I promise" he nodded and harry continued to check me "hey buddy could you come help me with something" the boy nodded and rushed towards us "okay bud what's your name?" he sniffled and wiped his eyes "c-Cameron" harry nodded and smiled "hey Cameron... Okay please can you push on Katie's back for me just do that a few times if she screams in pain don't worry... This is going to help" Cameron looked terrified and I gave him a smile before he nodded and got behind me "okay bud push" he pushed and I felt a burning feeling and I screamed slightly "okay okay hold on" Cameron stopped and harry grabbed a clean gym towel from his bag before folding it very carefully "bite onto this hun... I'm sorry if this hurts" I opened my mouth before biting down on the towel. I closed my eyes and listened to Harry's soothing voice "okay relax for me" I obey and let my shoulders go as calm as they could "great love.... Good work. Now Cameron I want you to push two hands on the middle of her back for me... Right here" harry showed him and Cameron nodded and I took deep breaths knowing it would hurt.

Harry's POV
"okay now" I watched as Cameron pushed his eyes wild and I could tell he was panicking. He pushed some more and I grabbed Katie's hand before pulling it out slowly and carefully "good girl good girl nearly there.... Cameron very carefully push one hard time" Cameron did so and I heard a click before Katie cried out and the room seemed to get less tense. Katie's shoulders relaxed completely and I pulled Cameron into a hug knowing he needed it by the look on his face. I rubbed his head before letting go "thanks bud. Up top" I held my hand up and he smacked my hand. He smiled and I watched as he ran out of the room I looked back at Katie and smiled "you okay sweets" she nodded and breathed deeply. I bent down infront of her before checking her shoulder "okay I'm happy with how that went back in but to keep it in a good position I'm going to give you a sling" she nodded and I pulled one from my medical bag before wrapping it around her and making sure it kept her arm perfectly still "okay keep your arm and shoulder still but I want you every now and then to roll your shoulders backwards then forwards.... Say every ten or so minutes" she nodded and I smiled before getting some gauze and applying it to her head I grabbed my torch and shined it on her head looking at the cut "okay your head is good love" I smiled and pulled her into my arms holding her close and pressing a kiss to her head "now how about we go home and rest" she nodded "that's sounds great harry" I smile and kiss her head again before picking her bag up and putting it over my shoulder and getting my other bags. She giggles and I smile before grabbing her hand "we're having a resting day tonight... I will be the only one moving" she smiles widely and I chuckle before opening the car door and helping her get in before putting the bags in the back. I got in beside her pressing a kiss to her cheek and holding her hand in mine "I love you" she smiles and kisses the back of my hand "I love you too"

I hope this was okay ❤️❤️❤️😘😘🤩🤩😍😍💕💕🥰🥰💕💕😍😍🤩😘😘😘❤️❤️

Q- you all coping during quarantine? I'm here for you ❤️

Word count: 1148

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