interview #8 @ucancallmerose

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1 What is one wattpad goal?

I would say to reach one million reads on any one of my story, but I recently just accomplished that (how, I don't know), so now I'm stuck. I guess the next step is to edit it and hope it gets some more attention. I've always been interested in the Wattys, though - it seems like such a cool thing to participate in!

2 what is your favorite thing about Wattpad

The people, most definitely. I've made so many sweet friends on here,  @SarcasmQueen1583 love you <3, and everyone I've interacted with was so welcoming and nice. Wattpad is just a really big family, and I'm so grateful to have met all the people I have so far.

3 who is your favorite author?

J.K. Rowling is one of my most favorites. I decided to try my hand at writing after I read the entire Harry Potter series in one or two days XD. But John Green is the reason I decided to go into writing romance - I honestly love him, and aspire to be like him - so he's tied with Rowling

 4 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Probably call my parents and tell them I'm a writer on here, lol. But that'd be awkward, so I'd most likely get in contact with my older sister and celebrate over pizza and a tub of ice cream XD

 5 what's your favorite snack? 

I don't know why, but I've always loved frosted animal crackers. I could eat them all day, every day, any time and anywhere, if I could.

6 what's your favorite holiday and why

I'd have to go with Cinco de Mayo. My grandmother on my mom's side is Mexican, and it's always been something we've celebrated, ever since I can remember. There's tons of food and music and laughter, and, of course, the people. My family is really big, so I don't see a lot of them, and it's nice that we all manage to get together and talk and catch up with one another.

7 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

My favorite celebrity is Larry the Cable Guy (I don't know what his real name is, sorry XD). I love just his overall personality, and I loved him in The Tooth Fairy 2. From what I gather, he likes food, and I like food, so I'd probably just take him out to eat somewhere. Like a barbeque - you can never go wrong with barbeque, lol.

 8 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

Always! It's baffling that people genuinely enjoy my writing - because it's not the best out there - but I make sure to let readers know how much I appreciate them and the support they give me.

9 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I'm in a choir group at my high school, so I listen to a ton of music. I'll literally listen to (almost) anything. Right now, though, in light of some recent events that I'd rather not get into, I've taken to the song Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi. It's heartbreaking and longing and desperate, and I like that about it. Plus, Capaldi is, whew, a BEAUTIFUL singer and I enjoy listening to him.

 10 what's the best way to handle a bully?

I wouldn't know. I've actually been the target of bullying, physical and verbal and cyber, on multiple occasions, and I still don't know how to deal with them. Telling adults doesn't usually work for me - they're condescending and it just makes things worse, for me, at least - so I don't say anything. If somebody finds a way, let me know, cause like, I'm pretty sure I need it lol.

 11 what inspired you to write?

In 7th grade, I took a creative writing class for a semester. It was fun, and I enjoyed it, and my teacher said I had a lot of potential - if I was willing to put in the work and improve upon some skills. My parents...aren't the most active role models in my life, so it made me feel really good and I wanted to continue. Now, writing is one of the only things that makes me happy - really really happy - so I write. As previously stated, J.K. Rowling and John Green were the reasons i wanted to write, but my 7th grade teacher makes me want to keep doing it.


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