interview #13 @Mokita

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1 what is one Wattpad goal?

 I would love to finish the series I am writing: Supernatural Boarding School. I'm on the third book and I have one more in me before I'm ready to get go of those characters. Ideas for a spin-off are already forming...

 2 what's your favorite holiday and why?

 Weirdly enough, going away stresses me out because of all the planning, so I usually don't go too far. I love strolling city, shopping, reading, relaxing...

3 what inspired you to write?

 I was 14 of 15 and I was on Quizilla, reading Harry Potter fanfiction. That's how I got the ideas to write my own HP fanfic. It was a horrible story, really, but I loved writing it. I started writing a few more fanfics, but once I started getting ideas for my own stories, I said goodbye to the fanfic world. 

4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

 I am not really a fan of any celebs. I do love fictional characters, though. I would love to hang out with Lupin and Hermione from the Harry Potter books and Damon Salvatore from Vampire Diaries. And maybe Chandler from friends.

5 what's your favorite movie?

 Frozen. Definitely Frozen. Although Untangled (Rapunzel) is a close second. 

6 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

 I love how I can interact with my readers, read their suggestions and actually work them into my story.

7 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

 I don't have one, which is probably why I get writer's block so often and take so long to finish a book. I have a fulltime job as a teacher, I live with my boyfriend in a house that is in desperate need of cleaning, I've got my friends and family, want to read books, watch tv and I try to work out, so there isn't much time for writing. When I do write, it is always at night.

 8 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

 J.K. Rowling. I would want to know how she creates plots that just work on every level.

9 what's your favorite book? 

Harry Potter. And the Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead. And some Dutch Books that no one will know outside of the Netherlands (Eline Vere by Couperus is amazing).

 10 what's your favorite snack? 

Salty crackers with garlic in them. And a big glass of wine next to it. Or a beer.

 11 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

 Yes! Always! And those comments and what keeps me going, what gets me inspired to write more.

request time

If you want to ready one of my books, definitely start with my pride and joy: Supernatural Boarding School – A Bond of Love. It's finished, so you can binge-read it. It's got it all: love triangles, vampires, werewolves, fairies witches, best friends, crushed, crazy parents... What are you still doing on this page? Go and read it! There is already a second book that's finished, and I am close to finished the third book.

 What are you still doing on this page? Go and read it! There is already a second book that's finished, and I am close to finished the third book

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