epilouge - 45

705 19 7

third persons POV

    3 YEARS LATER....

"oh watch out," baekhyun calls out to his little ones. currently in the backyard, the kids were playing on the mini playground chanyeol had purchased for them.

he remembers the way their faces lit up in total excitement, so shocked when they stepped outdoors, seeing chanyeol and jongdae assembling the pieces.

the twins attended school now, the tiny toddlers had grown into grade schoolers. that day, baekhyun cried eternally too much, heavy tears rolled down his cheeks. while seeing his boys walking into their new classroom, they were the excited ones.

it was difficult getting adjusted to the new routine, not having the twins home all day felt odd the first few months. overtime, it seemed to ease, his younglings always brought the same energy back home.

nevertheless, his youngest, a three year old baby girl- Minjee, made sure to keep him on his feet, being just as rebelliously her brothers when they were toddlers. though being the only girl in the household, definitely secured perks. being spoiled limitless, affection was a must, and having almost all the attention on her.

her brothers at first weren't use to having another family member when she was born, it took days- if not weeks to wrap their minds about having a younger sibling, whom they had to love and protect.

over the years, they grew and their bond became stronger, despite having a small age gap and being different genders, that wasn't an obstacle, the twins did everything with minjee.

"appa," minjee is waddling her tiny legs over to baekhyun, she's frowning, it's quite noticeable. when she reaches him, her tiny arms extend upwards, "apppaa."

the small male is smiling in adoration, immediately reaching down and enveloping the toddler in his arms. minjee rests her head against the parent's shoulder, sticking a thumb in her mouth.

"is my baby tired?" he coos, rubbing her back to soothe her.

she nods, pressing herself more against him as she finds the best position to begin her nap. they stroll around the backyard for a while, usually staying in the shade, the beating sun didn't have intentions to die down, and the sun rays brought out whines from the toddler.

the twins come running towards baekhyun, beat in sweat, hair disheveled, the clothing is painted with mud. pushing and shoving is not new, they always compete to see who's the fastest, strongest, competition was heavy.

"we're hot and hungry, appa." taehyung says all to quickly.

"dinner is all set, but a bath should be considered first."

there's whines and pouts, but both accordingly follow the parent towards the bathroom. he preps the bath, adding bubbles which they still adored. once in, baekhyun carries off to his daughter's room, laying the sleeping toddler in her crib, aside he puts the baby cam close and once she's sound asleep he returns to see how the twins were holding up.

baekhyun helps washing their hair, body scrubbing all traces of the dirt. the twins share a glance and one towards the parent, their actions could potentially mean no good. they wanted to ask something for sure, baekhyun would usually deny at first but would give in when the pleads and cute gestures were involved.

"what is it?" he dares to ask.

"so it's summer vacation right?" taehyung begins. when the younger male nods, the twin continues. "daddy said we could go on a vacation soon. when will we?"

baekhyun frowns, not reckoning on remember his husband ever mentioning anything over the topic. it was tough nowadays, seeing each other only in the night but fatigue would always consume chanyeol in sleep, lessening the time to talk - or even to intimidate.

The Love For One Another || BaekYeol , ChanBaek (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now