Chapter [5]

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Baekhyun's POV

Mornings were spent shorter, yet nights would seem longer. The days Chanyeol had off were spent, me consisting of making his favorite coffee. Whilst he played a few strings on his guitar.

Upon that were mostly taking in each other's presence. Exactly today Chanyeol had his day off, but his friend Kyungsoo needed his help.

I runged Jongdae a while ago, offering him to tag along with me to shop. He replied he would and would be here shortly.

Momentarily Jongdae arrived just like he said. He became shocked after I filled him in on what happened over the time.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you Baek. I knew he liked you also", Chen exclaimed.

I smiled, "Thanks Dae."


Time really does fly when your most enjoying it. It was currently evening already once we arrived back.

I opened the door to the apartment, stepping through and placing the bought items next to the counter.

Chen slouched on the couch letting out a 'very' tired sigh. I laughed at his actions while placing the items now on their assigned place.

"Do you have any food Baek?", Jongdae asked.

"Yeah...your welcome to look in the fridge.

Chen immediately stood up, hurrying to the fridge. At the same moment the door opened and Chanyeol walked in.

"There's your lover", Chen whispered and nudged me.

I smiled....yeah my lover.

He walked over to me, placing his hands on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. My heart pounded against my chest, he still had his effect on me no matter what he did.

"I missed you so much baby", Chanyeol said immediately crashing his lips against mine.

I closed my eyes responding to the kiss. Every kiss meant something special. Each and every little kiss were unique and held a meaning. Passion and love were the main priority....always.

I pulled back as I remembered Chen was still here. Jongdae's eyes were widen but a smirk was plastered across his face.

"You know... I should probably go", Chen pointed out. "See you later Baek", he winked before exiting the apartment, leaving me blushing.

"Friend of yours?", Chanyeol asked raising a brow.

"Best friend but yeah", I responded and took a seat on one of the stools. "How did things go with Kyungsoo?"

Chanyeol grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "It went well. But you don't mind me inviting Kyungsoo and his boyfriend over today?"

"Of course not Yeol."

"Good because they should arrive any time soon", he chuckled.

"Wait I'll be back", I stepped off the stool and walked to our shared bedroom.

I grabbed an eyeliner, applying a thin line across my bottom eyelid. After finishing I place the eyeliner back at its place with the others. Satisfied on the way I looked.

I walked back to the living room and found Chanyeok talking to two people. Must be that Kyungsoo guy and his boyfriend.

The taller male was the first to notice my presence. His eyes adjusted from Chan over to me, causing the other two to turn around.

"You must be Baekhyun", Kyungsoo spoke.

I walked next to Chanyeol and nodded, "Yeah that's me."

"I'm Kyungsoo by the way. Chanyeol here talks non-stop about you each and every day, it's finally nice to meet you," Kyungsoo smiled.

I took a quick glance at Chanyeol before directing my attention back to Kyungsoo. "It's nice to meet you too", I smiled back.

The hours were spent talking, Kyungsoo was a really nice and carefree guy. His boyfriend which I learned his name was Jongin was just like him.

You could easily see how the two were madly in love. The sparkling that shined in their eyes when they gazed at each other could inform you that they were meant to be.

That's exactly the way I looked at Chanyeol with so much love that couldn't be described.


Hey guys a really short and late update.

I'm really sorry I'll try to make the next chapter longer and better but bear with me for now. 💘


The Love For One Another || BaekYeol , ChanBaek (BoyxBoy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin