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Third Person's POV

Baekhyun shivered as he walked the city of Seoul, the day was below degrees currently. His large coat and hat weren't capable of providing enough warmth, the strong winds were incredibly strong. A few more miles, and his destination was there.

Once he entered, memories came flowing back, every little detail. The women at the front desk already knew his name, without having to ask. She flashed him a kind smile, as he approached her in an excited pace.

"Baekhyun! So long has it been."

"I'll say the same, everything is still in it's place. Nothing has seem to change since the last time I've been here," he said, scanning the tiny room.

"That could be it. Are you here to see Hyuk?"

He nodded enthusiastically, "He happens to be here right?"

"Luckily yes," she rose from her seat and guided the male to the last door on the right.

He thanked her for it and proceeded to knock, before entering. There was not a need to wait for confirmation to enter, considering Hyuk was an old friend and classmate.

His friend- a few year older than him, sat in his chair, glasses on his face and papers occupying his attention. The male switched his attention to Baekhyun, grinning widely as he saw his expected longtime friend standing there.

"I would say what a surprise, If i wasn't expecting you," Hyuk spoke up, shaking his hand and offering the younger a seat on the black leather couch next to his desk.

"I couldn't miss this especially when you called me so excited but didn't tell me what this was about it. I could tell it's good news though."

"Well then let's get right into it," Hyuk stood up momentarily to retrieve a single paper from his desk and handing it over to his friend. "Read over it and tell me what you think."

And so he does, reads the front and back of the paper. Truthfully, more like skimmed over it, his excitement prevented him from reading word by word, preferably just wanted the main points.

"Is this for real?" Baekhyun looks up after he's finished.

"Of course, that is if you want to."

"I mean this is great like really amazing... but I don't know if I can consider."

The man across from him furrowed his eyebrows confused as he looked at Baekhyun questionably. "Oh? What seems to be holding you back?"

"I love singing believe me. But now that I have two twins that depend on me at the moment, I can't take the chance now. This contract will occupy most of my time and I don't have it."

"But Baek, you must think over this. You don't have to decide now it can be later on, but really think this through."

"I know. You more than anyone should know what music means to me. But sincerely I can't at least not now."

Hyuk sighs, but decides not to continue on. "Alright, Baek. After all it's your wished option."

Baekhyun smiled slightly, for sure a decision so difficult with limited options.


When he arrives back home, his mood isn't the greatest. He heads straight into the kitchen makes himself a coffee despite it being four twenty eight p.m. The smaller can hear the loud babbling from upstairs, he leaves his unfinished cup on the counter and heads up.

He follows the noise and finds himself in front of the twins' room. Once he enters, one word to fully describe the setting was - a mess. Toys were found in every inch of the floor and in that mess, the two twins were in the middle of it all.

The Love For One Another || BaekYeol , ChanBaek (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now