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Colin's visits became frequently now. He's grown more attached to his cousin as well with Chanyeol. The scenario got Baekhyun thinking about certain things.

Chanyeol's face always lit up whenever, he saw the boy running to him with a huge grin. Baekhyun just watched from afar, his mind running with so many ideas, thoughts and concerns that drove him crazy.

Ever since the day at the park, the sensitive topic about a child couldn't exit out of his mind. Chanyeol obviously wanted a kid, but how could Baekhyun give him one? They are the same gender after all!

Baekhyun sighed and walked outside, the cold air instantly hitting him. This has become a habit to him now, especially when he is either having a hard day or time , the outsides made him calm and relaxed.

However, as much as he walked and kicked the rocks harshly , the pain of not giving Chanyeol a baby wouldn't just disappear. He realized that the taller male would grow bored and at any point , he could just simply walk away and chose another partner.

That's what hurt the most.

The tears brimmed in his eyes at the thought of even losing Chanyeol. The memories, pictures , moments , everything could all simply be erased and forgotten so easily.

He found a seat near a tree and slouched against it. Coincidental, it was the park were they had their first date. Baekhyun tugged his hair and yelled loudly in frustration.

Several strangers that walked by , gave him disapproving and judgmental looks. Though, he didn't even care, he had many more problems than to even pay attention to what people thought about him.

Slowly, the bright sun was taken over by the dark shining moon. It has been even colder then earlier. His phone hasn't stopped ringing with calls and text messages and he could already imagine who it was.

Finally, after so many long hours, his tired legs managed to take him home. The moment he opened the front door, Chanyeol enveloped him into a warm hug and showered him with kisses.

"Baekhyun! Where on earth have you been?! Don't you have a clue on how worried I was?" Chanyeol wouldn't stop ranting.

Baekhyun could only stare at him with a sad and guilty expression.

"I'm sorry", the smaller male managed to say.

Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows and studied his lovers face. "What's wrong, baby?"

Baekhyun shook his head and walked past him to their shared bedroom. He changed into much comfortable and warm clothes.

Next, he proceeded to the bed were he huddled under the covers and sighed. Chanyeol followed only to lay next to him and wait until the smaller spoke up.

Baekhyun, at this point didn't know what to do anymore. Seriously he sounded like a girl with so many problems at the moment.

"I'm here you know. Baekhyun, you can tell me anything", Chanyeol whispered, while staring up at the ceiling.

Baekhyun uncovered himself, and sat on Chanyeol's lap while playing with his hands.

"I....I just wish I could give you kids, Chanyeol. Every time Colin comes over and the two of you play, I wished I could give you a child so the two of you will be like that someday. But I know it's impossible for me. I'm a guy and can't get pregnant like women", Baekhyun sighed while still staring down, he couldn't bear to meet Chanyeol's eyes.

After hearing the reason behind Baekhyun's sadness, he didn't waste time to pull the smaller boy into his arms.

"Ah Baek. That's the reason why you been so down lately? Just because you can't give me a child? Listen, a child would make me incredibly happy but without one as well, you make me extremely happy. I love you and your beautiful they way you are. And their is other options , like adoption. Okay? I don't want to see you upset anymore", Chanyeol concluded with a sweet kiss to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun smiled slightly into the kiss and was relieved to hear how his man felt.

"Thanks Yeol", the petite male blushed and snuggled against his lover.

"Anything for my world", Chanyeol smiled and wrapped his arms around him.



Guys so so sorry for the extremely late chapter . Gosh I've never taken so long to update but I couldn't think of anything for this book.

My ideas slowly start to disappear so it's very hard to write something without inspiration.

However , hints and clues are slowly being dropped for upcoming updates.

Please keep supporting even though I take millions of years:D


The Love For One Another || BaekYeol , ChanBaek (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now