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Chanyeol's POV

My mornings consist of feeling those beautiful delicate hands run down and up my arm. With a stolen kiss from me, Baekhyun immediately heads to the kitchen and prepares our breakfast.

Not long after, I follow his actions and lean against the wall as I watch him move around the kitchen. I observe the way his belly was burgeoning already.

I smiled to myself knowing our little one was growing in their. All healthy and tall like me. Although it did concern me a bit how big, Baekhyun's stomach was getting, it looked like he was already in his sixth month but in reality he was only in his fourth.

It really made me curious of the little one's height but yet again I wasn't an expert at these types of things.

I encircled my arms around his waist and snuggled into his neck, breathing in his addicting and natural scent. Like a clean fresh blanket out of a dryer.

He seemed to like the the gesture, as he smiled brightly and held onto my hand, like a small child would.

"Good morning my beautiful baby,"

"Good morning Yeol. I made breakfast!"

The way his eyes closed in joy and the way his smile, instantly put me in a good mood already. Sometimes I couldn't be more thankful for someone like him to cross my path and instantly light my whole world up.

"You know Baek," I began and turned around to looking into those pretty eyes of his, "I want to write a poem about you but I have no words to describe your eyes and how your smile makes my whole world feel like its not falling apart. I want to write words as beautiful as you but I can't. I can't because words don't exist, they can't describe your perfection to me."

Baekhyun's cheeks heated up at the conclusion of my sentence. I myself was even a surprised by how well that sounded but it was all the truth.

"Oh god," Baekhyun mumbled as he covered his face with his hands. I could tell his inner shyness was kicking in. "Your so cheesy and it's only morning,"

"But I just want to remind you how lucky I am to have you," I smiled pulling him into my embrace.

Slowly, I felt his tiny arms wrap around my waist as I kissed his forehead repeatedly.

"Let's eat Chan. I have so many things planned for today."

Excitement rushed through me knowing Baekhyun himself had a real creative mind for certain things. And just as he mentioned, I was quick to eat so our day could begin.


"Where are we going?" I questioned, while being dragged by a way excited Baekhyun.

We were literally in the middle of nowhere and Baekhyun being pregnant with mood swings didn't help with my thoughts.

"Chanyeol for the sixth time already just wait and see. I promise you'll like this now stop asking me!" He grinned and that's when he suddenly stopped.

We were standing directly under a big tree and attached to it was no other then a tree house. I stared at it amused by its beauty, but quickly got out of trance once Baekhyun detached his hand from mine and immediately began to climb the ladder up into the tree house.

To prevent any danger I stayed close behind him until we were safely inside. A few candles and lanterns illuminated the entire tree house, with a blanket in the middle and two pillows to go along with it.

At the side of the house was a picnic basket and a few other things beside it. I turned towards Baekhyun's direction to see him wearing a grin on his face.

"What's all this?" I asked him as I took his hand.

"Well it's obviously a tree house Yeol!"

I pulled him closer and lifted his chin, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay. Okay." He smiled, blushing a bit. "I found this tree house a while ago, so I decided why not and fix it up and use it for us. This is ours now."

My lips curved up into a smile knowing Baekhyun could do this for us. It proofed how hard he did actually work here. At times this perfect petite human being could be a real sassy person. Worst then a girl to be exact.

It could be a main reason why most people don't like or find interest in him. Or it's possible because of his stunning and beautiful aura that makes others envy him.

But at the rarest times, Baekhyun could do the littlest things and it always remind me of why I actually fell into a deep interest.

"This is great. I really like it."

"Well," Baekhyun paused, taking a glance at his phone. "It's 12:14 would you do the honor of watching the stars with me?"

"It's one of my wishes as well. Watching the stars with whom I love."

Carefully we strode down out into the outdoor. I laid out a big blanket over the grass and took the seat next to him. Baekhyun rested an arm over my lower waist as I began to caress his soft hair.

I took a glance at him momentarily and watched how amused and interest he found while watching the shooting stars. My heart raced faster as he smiled, adoration shining in his eyes.

"This is perfect Yeol."

"Everything is always perfect when your around, baby."

At the instant moment we shared a passionate kiss under the dark blue sky.



A cheesy update because why not :))

I NEED your guys opinion. !!!!!

So once this book is finished what shipping should I write about next please comment to let me know and get any idea :)

The Love For One Another || BaekYeol , ChanBaek (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now