Chapter 25 B

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They spent the day in the farm house. After a peaceful day,they returned to RM. They were entering RM, when they stopped seeing raki andAki waiting for them with their bags.

"Raki, what happened man? What are these bags with you? Areyou going somewhere? But you didn't tell me?"

"Arnav, I am going."

"What????? Bhaiya, what are you saying? Why do you want togo there?", asked Khushi.

"I am sorry Arnav and Khushi, I have to go now." Rahulstarted leaving from there with aki.

"Raki raki... listen. Where are you going??? Listen tome..." Arnav went behind him to stop.

"No, Arnav I have to go... How can I stay here? I can't stayplease leave me..."

"Why raki bhaiyya??? Why are you doing this to Arnavji andme? Why do you want to go away from us?", said Khushi, her voice almostchoking.

"Khushi... How can I say? I..."

"I? What raki? You left me all those years ago and you aretrying leave even now? Tell me, why do you want to do this?" alleged Arnav.

"Arnav, please understand... I should go away from here..."

"And may I know why? Tell me one good reason, why you areleaving Mr. Rahul?", this time Arnav was calm.

"Arnav enough I don't want to stay here anymore..."

"and that's what am asking you why?????? Either tell me andleave this place or go back to room."

Arnav moved forward and took the bag from his hold andstarted moving inside...

"Arnav its not like that man, I have some work there andalso your family will be back soon... I don't want burden you guys anymore..."

Arnav's grip on the bag loosened... "Burden? You callyourself burden? You assume something and decide to leave yourself. This is ourfriendship right? Ok... I won't stop you... You can leave."

"Arnav its not like that... i didn't mean it..."

Without listening any further, Arnav strode towards his roomand shut the door with a loud thud... Khushi gave a helpless look at Rahul andran behind Arnav...

"Arnavji... Please open the door... Please Arnavji... Don'tdo this... Please come out..."

Hearing Khushi's pleading, Rahul rushes towards the door andtogether they ask arnav to open the door. "Arnie, open the door... see I am notgoing anywhere... Sorry yar... I won't leave anywhere please come out and see,you are making us cry... especially Khushi... She shouldn't cry much in thiscondition..."

After a lot of pleading and promising Arnav, Rahul was not successfulto get him out. When Arnav did not open the door, Khushi was worried ifsomething happened to him... She shared her thoughts with rahul... he decidedto break the door. After few attempts, when he couldn't open the door, Khushisuggested that they should go and check from poolside.

"Can't you tell this before Khushi? My arm is aching fromtrying to break this door."

"Bhai, just shut up... I forgot about poolside in worry...Come on now, let's go and see..."

They rushed towards poolside from the guest room. The doorwas open... What they saw stunned them?








Arnav and aki are busy in gardening. Arnav was teaching akihow to plant a seedling. They both are immersed in their world and did not seemto care about what was happening around them. After coming out of shock, Khushiand Rahul looked at each other and then, at Arnav. Arnav and Aki are done withtheir work, and when they turned around to leave all they could do was to stareat two pairs of eyes which are fuming with anger. They sensed danger. Aki hidherself behind Arnav's legs, wrapping her little hands, as tightly as she can,around them.

"Arnavji... What were you doing?", asked Khushi gritting herteeth.

"Khu...Khushi... I was just teaching Aki how to plant...That's all..."

"You... Stupid... You scared us out of wits... How dare you?",Rahul pounced forward and gave Arnav a punch in his stomach.

"Ouch... How dare you?", Arnav repeated Rahul's action.

"Enough you both... Stop it... Arnavji... What craziness isthis? I was so worried thinking something happened to you. Here, you are busywith aki as if nothing happened."

"Khushi... Sorry wo, i didn't mean to tense you... I know ifI act like am angry, this idiot will stop thinking of moving from her..."

"You..." Rahul came forward and gave few more punches toarnav, some of which, he was successful in dodging.

"Ok now, everything is settled... let's go down and eat...Am hungry...", said Khushi.

The other three laughed at her and Rahul said, "When are younot hungry..."

Khushi making a crying face, "You... Arnavji, see, he issaying I am a foodie..."

"Omg, she is going to cry, Arnav do something fast.",muttered Arnav Slowly and turning towards Rahul , he gave awhy-are-you-killing-me look. "Sweetheart, no, no, don't cry... You are not allfoodie. Come on, let's go and have your favourite aloo partha and tea."


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