Chapter 19

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After making sure, she is ok. He took a stone and aimed at them but was stopped by Anjali with her swear. In mean time, those five people got a call and left the place. After work, he sat in a park and started crying on failing to do nothing when his Di was humiliated. He felt someone sat next to him.

Arnav turned his head to look into a pair of hazel eyes staring him back weirdly.


Rahul, a fun, loving and a good hearted person, was trying to find why his "Anny" was not starting and troubling him a lot. His "Anny" never does this until it wants to say something to him. He tried to figure out what it wants?

"Anny, what happened to you? Why are you not starting? What are you trying to say?" said an Impatient' Rahul to his beloved bike oops, sorry, beloved friend Anny. After a lot of trying, he was exhausted and saw that he was near the park and so, he went and sat there.

"Thank god, Anny stopped near a park. What would have happen if this place is not near a park or if this is a remote one? Oh, no!" Rahul was in his thoughts when he reached a bench. From back, he could see a boy, may be, a teenager, with his shoulders shaking. He could make out that the boy is crying. "A boy is crying? Am I imaging? Poor boy, who knows what, happened to him. Raki, Come on you help the boy." After his self talk, Rahul went and sat next to the boy.


"Are you ok?" Arnav heard the voice of the owner of those pair of hazel eyes. Arnav stopped crying the minute he looked into the hazel pair. He was hypnotized by them. All he could do was to nod his head. "Hi, can I sit here?" pointing towards the bench. Arnav shifted making place for Rahul to sit.

"Thanks, my name is Raki. I mean Rahul. Hmm... What is your name?"

"Arnav" said Arnav. "Arnav, nice name! Why are you sitting here and crying?"

"Uh... I am not crying."

"Then, what are these?" Rahul pointing towards the tears. Arnav wiped wetness on his cheeks.

"Now, you look handsome. Boys don't cry. But, it is good, to let out your worries, emotions, and pain in the form of tears. They help you feel better. Cry how much ever you want? I won't tell anybody. I Promise you." And that break the dam, Arnav wept his heart out.

After sometime, Arnav felt better. "Thanks", whispered Arnav. "You know, it feels ,even more better when you share your problems with someone. I know I am a stranger to you but you know you can tell me or you can do it with your family or your mother."

"My mom is dead." "I am sorry."After a short silence, Arnav narrated all his life's events including the Dhaba incident and his helplessness in saving Anjali. That day ended, marking the start of a budding friendship or more than friendship. Following days saw Rahul becoming the only confider of Arnav and Rahul helping Arnav in studies, applying in Harvard's for business studies.

After reaching Harvard's, Arnav was in contact with for the first year but suddenly, all his contacts with him stopped. He tried calling him many times. Arnav already lost his mom, dad and his happy family in childhood. Now, his only friend, Raki is not in contact. Even after his studies are completed and returning back to India, he went and searched for Raki, but never found him.

He started thinking that all those whom he loves will leave him and go away. Even, Rahul proved it. This thought made him, stone hearted and followed by him becoming ASR.

************************************Flashback Ends*****************************************

Both the pairs of eyes are fully wet. Khushi embraced him listening to his special relationship with Rahul and she fell in love with his man again. Arnav felt that a missing part of his soul has been found.

"Khushi, what happened to Raki?" releasing himself from the hug. "Arnavji, he is the Rahul, I told you about him. Aki's father?" "yes, you said about him. He is aki's father right? He married and have a daughter also. What happened to him? Why the hell, he should leave me and go to lucknow? You know Khushi I searched for him everywhere. I never knew he was in Lucknow."

"Leave it, Arnav ji, he will be fine soon. Come on now, let's go home. It's already late. See, aki slept on the couch."

Khushi and Arnav left for Shanthivan.

Before sleeping, "Arnavji, kal Rakshabandan hai na... we will visit Rahul bhaiya and tie him the raki. As a gift, I will ask him to come out of his comma and recover soon." Arnav was touched by her thought. She is so selfless. Will this woman stop him from falling in head over heels with her again and again.

"Reply me, Arnav jji. Will you take me."

"Of course dear." "By the way Arnavji, when will Di come back? Won't she tie you raki tomorrow?"

After a minute of silence, "No Khushi, she can't travel in this situation na, so, she will send me the Raki."

"Oh, so, sad... Why can't we go there? We can tie raki to Rahul and go and meet Di. By this way, she will also be happy."

"She does not care Khushi." "what? What did you say?"

"Nothing Khushi. Come on let's see, if possible we will go. Now, take rest. You need it."

Even though, he made Khushi sleep him, sleep was far away from him.

He spent a restless night thinking about Di. Every year, she tied raki to him, he, in turn, promised her and himself that he will be always with her. Yet, he couldn't keep the promise. The reason is none other than his Di only. Her actions have hurt, so much, that he being to wonder all these years, her love real or fake? The concern, is love, everything that his Di showed towards is true? If it is true, then, she would have forgiven and accepted his marriage with Khushi.

He kept his hand on Khushi's bulged stomach and felt a kick. His lips, involuntarily, curved upwards.

"Good Night buddy."

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