Chapter 18

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Arnav called Khushi and told her that he will be back in one hour and asked Khushi and Aki to be with Rahul. He, then, left for RM knowing about drama going to happen there...
Flashback ends...
Reaching the hospital, Arnav came out of his thoughts. He went towards Rahul's room. He was about to enter when the nurse stopped him.
Nurse said,"Mr. Raizada the doctor is calling for you. Please meet him." Arnav gave a nod and then went towards the cabin. He knocked the door once and heard a 'come in'. "Good morning Mr. Raizada!!", greeted the doctor and extend his hand. "Good morning Doctor!! Heard that you called me. anything important?", asked arnav shaking his hands with the doctor and then, sat on the chair.
"Yes Mr. Raizada... Actually I called you here to discuss about Aki's condition."
Arnav, after meeting Doctor, went towards Rahul's room. He saw Aki and Khushi are waiting outside the room. "Khushi,why are you standing out?", asked arnav. "The doctors are checking him, Arnavji. thats why we are here." replied Khushi. "Oh ok, you sit here.", arnav made her sit on the bench next to him.
After a wait of ten minutes, the doctor came out and Arnav and Khushi got up. "Mr. raizada, Rahul is absolutely fine. If we continue the treatment for some more days, he will get soon.", informed the doctor.
"can we continue the treatment from home?", enquired Arnav. "Yes, you can. I will send a doctor and a nurse along with you. The patient needs to be in observation for few days."
Arnav and Khushi went inside the room. The moment Arnav saw Rahul he was shocked and stood rooted to spot. "Raki...", word slipped out of Arnav's Mouth. He rushed towards the bed and jerked Rahul.
"Raki... raki.. Get up, now.Why are you here? say something Dammit!!!!!!!!", arnav shaking Rahul's limp body. Seeing Arnav behaving like that, Khushi went next to him and kept a hand on his shoulder. Sensing some hand one his shoulder, Arnav turned and saw Khushi.
"Khushi, Ra... Raki... is not getting up.. tell him to get up. Please for me. I can't see him like this.", Arnav started crying by now. Khushi was unable to understand this behaviour of arnav. She tried to stop him but no use.
With the force, she used in slapping him, his face automaticaly turned one side and cheeks burning. Tears made their way from his eyes. He realised what is happening and where he is.
"what this arnavji? what happen to you? why are you behaving like this?", asked khushi cupping Khushi's face. "khu...khushi", words barely left his mouth and he gulped seeing his love looking at him with affection and love in her eyes.
She took him in her embrace. They stood like that for some time. She conveyed her support to him with her silence and letting him cry his out in her embrace. Arnav's condition was no less than a baby founding solace in its mother's lap.
After some time, Arnav's cry reduced. Khushi broke their hug and cupped his face. "Arnavji, Kya hua?", said Khushi. "Khushi..", said arnav. " How come he is here? What happen to him?"
"Arnavji, this is Rahul. Aki's father.", said Khushi.
"You know Khushi... he is Raki... My friend.. More like a brother to me.", arnav moved towards the window and his hand raised towards the railing and he had a forlon look as he started narrating the story.
"I met him when I was going through the toughest phase of my life. It was a rainy night. I was sitting in a park, crying over my fate. Mom left me because Dad cheated her. Our Uncle threw us out of my house. Di's marriage was stopped and Nani took us to her home."

One Day after coming to stay with their Nani, Arnav started to do all odd jobs to support himself and anjali. He don't want to burden anybody even if its Nani.
Already Nani did a great favour by taking them under wings when her financial condition is worse. He don't want them to suffer more financial problems. So, as usual, he was working in a dhaba.. A group of five people came in three two wheelers. They were dressed like spoilt rich brats. They ordered people around them and were teasing girls and college women.
Arnav went to take their order. They were asking for alchol and non-veg which was not available. Arnav said that it was not available, but they started shouting and creating a big fuss. They pushed the chairs. The owner of the Dhaba came their and solved the issue, convincing Arnav to bring what they are asking as they are Influential people in the society and he don't want to face their enemity.
So, arnav left from there. After some time, Anjali came their to give Arnav his food as he is diabetic and had to on time. She went to Dhaba owner. "Uncleji, Can you call Chotte? I have brought his lunch.", said anjali smilingly.
"Anjali beta, kaisi ho beti?", asked Dhaba owner(DO). The owner is a good person who gave Arnav job and helped him with the money when they were facing extreme poverty. Arnav was treated as a son. "ji, I am fine.", replied Anjali with a smile.
"How many times have I told you not to bring his lunch? He could have it here.",said DO.
"uncle, I feel happy, when I make sure my Chotte eats on time. If you ask him to eat, he will deny saying he has to do some work. You know how much important it is for him to eat on time? Otherwise, his sugar levels will decrease", said anjali.
"Ok beta, I can't change you and also him. Wait for some time. He has gone out. After coming, you take him.", Said DO and left. Anjali was waiting when she heard some people whistling and commenting on her. She saw those five people teasing and irritating others.
She decided to wait inside until Arnav and started going inside when they saw anjali. They started harassing her with foul language, teasing her limp and asking her to bed them.
Angry tears came out from Anajli's face and she raised her hand to slap one of them. She was, inturn, pushed down by them. Arnav came there at that point and rushed towards to help her.
After making sure, she is ok. he took a stone and aimed at them but was stopped by anjali with her swear. In mean time, those five people got a call and left the place. After work, he sat in a park and started crying on failing to do nothing when his Di was humiliated. He felt someone sat next to him.

Kindly ignore typos.

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