第二章 ; the two persons.

Start from the beginning

You mentally sighed. "Where's the action here? Nothing interesting is happening!!--"

"Is this the place?" a female voice spoke near. You turned your head to the left and saw two persons standing infront of a jewelry store.

The girl had bubblegum-like, pink hair with a slim figure and the guy beside him was a bit more weighty with his messy blonde, sandy hair.

You felt something abnormal between them so you carefully eavesdropped at what they were seeing without looking like you are eavesdropping.

"No, the previous one is better." the blonde guy replies.

"Really? Doesn't this look quite fancy?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, the agid air alarming you something that felt wrong but you had no clue what did. "What the hell are they talking about?"

Turning your head at the guys beside you who was still standing as if they were statues, looked like they were busy trying to find someone across the streets.

You pouted at them and your eyes got teary already. "I can't believe this, my first joined-in mission and I am hardly doing anything to help."

"Its pretty well-guarded." Kamei spoke while watching the scenery. "I also heard that a certain prince of the Abura Emirates will go too."

"Prince of Aburr-- what now??" you lifted a brow, not getting what he mean't. So basically your realized that you aren't updated with many things happening in the earth.

Kamei adds, "He sells oil to buy all the cars he wants. He is a street racer too and even so, there are way too many security guards. And where is Ms. Motoyama?--"

"Has anyone told you how talkative you are?" Kato looks at him in disbelief.

You silently chuckled while trying to look like you aren't by placing your hand over your mouth, hiding it basically.

Then you noticed the paper that are clipped onto your brother's jacket, kind of like an arm band on his left arm with a print embossed of the words, "Information Booth."

You quickly shifted your sight to your jacket on the left and saw nothing, just wool. "Why don't I get to have something like that?" you sighed at your thoughts. "Whatever, at least I don't look weird."

Group of exagerated minutes later, you were all still standing in the same spot, in the same position and in the same street. You already felt exhausted, it felt like an hour already passed by.

"Geez, we're definitely not getting paid well enough yet for how hard we work. And they still get to drive fancy cars." Kamei dramatically complains.

"Be quiet, idiot. We are just doing this for justice." Kato snaps back at him and Kamei rolls his orbs at him while saying, "You're really that stubborn, huh? Maybe that's the reason why you were kicked out from the First Investigation Division.."

Kato pierced at Kamei's soul with a burning fire aura around him, obviously infuriated. "What did you say? You!!--"

You sighed at the two guys beside you, fighting like kids. Then as you raised your head, at the other side from the street- you saw two guys with expensive-looking suits running their ways at the opposite direction.

Your eyebrows slowly arched down. "Huh..? Isn't those guys from the First Investigation Division?--"

"Say what now?" Kamei looks at you in shock then looks at where you are looking. He slaps Kato's shoulder, "Look! We found them!"

Kato snaps himself back in reality and started running his way towards the First Investigation Division people. You and Kamei followed his lead.

As you were running at the very least from their backs, you saw the pink-haired girl again along with the weighty-blonde guy beside her. There's really something off about those two humanoids.

"What about this one?" the female asks.

"Look at this guy. He is definitely trained in Judo." the male says.

"But.. don't we have guns?"

"Don't underestimate the Judo!" the male replies again.

Your eyes widened like saucers at the female's phrase. "Wait, hold on a second- guns? What the.. are they in drugs?.. " you shooked off your head and focused your attention at running faster.

"Nevermind that, I need to concentrate at this mission first! They are probably just talking about toy-guns for children."

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𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄. DAISUKE KAMBEWhere stories live. Discover now