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Five months later.

Tessa's POV.

I take my coffee mug and enter the kitchen to wash it. Mason doesn't even allow me to stand up from my place. He says that I will hurt myself in my clumsy way. I'm not clumsy. There were plates too so I wash them all. The main door open and the sound of light footsteps followed. I know that it is Mason because he has the keys and I lock the door as he went to the office.

"Baby, are you hungry. Do you want me to make you some food? " His voice came from the living room.

" No, I just ate a few hours ago. Do you want me to get fat? " I said with a pout. He forces me to drink milk every night. The smell of milk is nauseating.

" What are you doing. Didn't I tell you not to wash plates? What if the floor gets wet and you fall from it. You have to be careful Tessi." he said with a frown.

" You don't even let me put my feet on the ground saying that I will hurt myself. I am tired of sitting around all the time " I said with a pout.

" Sorry," he said.

" I am stressed from our last appointment with the doctor. The lady sitting beside was also the same due month as mine but her baby is kicking and moving around. I am not feeling anything. What if something bad happened. " I said with tear-filled eyes.

" Hey, remember what the doctor said that it is normal for the baby to not show moments in the sixth month. Don't worry ."I nodded but my tears are still flowing.

" I want to eat peanut butter Cookies," I asked out of nowhere. I have been craving things, I was eating bread by spreading pickle on it with a little bit Nutella, Mason made such a disgusting face. I mean it was not that bad.

" I just bought you cookies yesterday. "He said.

" I finished them. Bring me more " I said with a pout.

" Baby, how about I bring them on the way of my office ."

" No, bring them now or you will sleep on the couch tonight. " I warn him, his eyes widened from my threat.

" Okay, Okay I'm going. "  he turns around and took his motorcycle keys to buy me cookies.

I sat down on the sofa and start watching Friends. Mason suggested me to watch comedy series so that it will make me and baby happy. I smiled at the thought. I look at the watch as time shows 9. Mason has been out for an hour now. The cookies which I asked him to bought are available in the near supermarket around the corner. The clock turns to 10: 30 and he is not back. I started to get worried as his phone was switched off. It starts raining outside.

After some time the front door open and came inside Mason. His clothes were wet, I didn't say anything. I throw myself at him and hug him tightly and as usual crying like a madwoman.

"Why are you crying. " Mason pat my back soothingly.

"I got worried when you didn't come back in an hour. I thought something bad happened to you. " I said still clinging to him.

" Nothing happened. The store where we used to bought your cookies was closed so I went to the nearby mall. I got distracted by the baby shop, they have so many cute clothes there. How about we go there tomorrow. " He said excitedly.

" No mason, we are not buying any more clothes. The closet of the guest room is full of it. And don't even start about both gender clothes. What if its a boy then what will we do about the girl's clothes. "

" We will try for a girl next time. " He smirks at me. I slap him on his shoulder and snatch the cookie bag from his hand. I run towards the sofa to sit and eat my delicious cookies.

"Don't run Tessi " He scolds me and makes his way to our room to change his clothes.

I was eating my cookies as a cookie hunter sit beside me and pull me closer towards him. He silently moves his hand on my box to steal a cookie. That is not gonna happen, dude, they are mine. I slap his hand away and glare at him.

" What? " he said with an innocent look.

"Don't try to steal my cookies. Go buy your own. " I shove his hand away from my shoulder.

" Just one little piece. "He said by showing me his finger to measure it.

"Okay " I took a cookie and move my hand close to his mouth. He looks at me and opens his mouth wide as I put a cookie in his mouth, he started to lick my fingers. He smirks at me as I shiver from that. This is how my body reacts to him.

Suddenly out of nowhere, I feel a little movement in my stomach. I put my hands around my stomach to feel it again.

" What happened Tessi. Are you feeling pain? " Mason ask me with a worried look.

"No, I feel a movement. " I smile at him and took his hand and put it on my tummy.

This time there was no movement but a kick. It feels like flutters and a gentle thud.
I turn my face to look at mason. His face was priceless, he looks like constipated.
His eyes widened and his grin too.

He sits down on the ground and put his head on my tummy. He lightly taps my stomach, in response to the baby kick again.

" Hii there baby. I'm your dad. I am going to love you so much. I hope you behave and don't stress your mama, she loves you too." he kisses my tummy in the end. The baby kick again. Mason looks at me and smile softly. He pulls me closer and kisses me slowly.

" You make me so happy today. I know my baby girl is going to be just like you. Beautiful and kind. " He said with a proud look.

" We should have seen the gender when the doctor said. " I said but he shook his head.

" No, I want it to be a suprise for us. I know I'm saying it is a girl but I will be equally happy if we had a boy. I will teach him how to fight so that he can protect his mother." he said. I chuckle at his answer.

He carries me to our bedroom and tucks me in my blanket. He closes the window curtain as the sunlight annoys me in the morning. He is so sweet and remembers every single thing that makes me happy and annoyed. I look at my tummy and rub it. Your dad loves your mommy. He will love and protect you at every turn in your life. I want you to come out quickly and with less pain if that is possible.

Mason lay beside me and put his head close to my stomach and whisper something to the baby.

I know what is he saying. He is been doing this from the first day. He says ' I love you' to our baby every single day. Then he kisses my tummy and put his ear on it. He says that the baby replies to him with love you too.
The kick happens again as mason look at me like a child.

"See I told you she says it back. " I laugh at him and close my eyes to sleep. He kisses me on my forehead and cuddles me.

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Have a nice day and stay home. Let the mother nature do her work.

😁love you allllllll

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