Chap - 29 Skipping class.

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After a lot of small kisses here and there, I scold him to go home because I won't be able to sleep and I was stressed by the day.

I wake up late for the first time because all I was thinking about was Mason and I have this huge grin on my face even if I'm late for school. I take a short shower and wore a blue hoodie, which I borrowed from mason. Actually, I have a whole new set of his hoodies and shirt in my closet.

My phone chirp from a new message, I walk quickly towards my desk to open the message. It was Mason's, my huge grin again appear and I know the reason is that idiot and he is my idiot now. Oh my god, it sounds so good, mine. His smile, his lips, his eyes started to come to in my mind and I know I'm so doomed.

After reading his my smile dropped.

" I won't be able to pick you up for school ".

What? Is he kidding me? Is he alright? No sorry, no emoji, no reason.

" Cool down, he must be doing some other stuff and he has to drop Nick to school too. Right, he is going to drop off Nick and he informed me so I don't have to wait for him" I started to talk with myself.

It's my habit now, talking to myself so I don't start to cry. It's our first day of relationship and he didn't pick me up for school.

I pick my bag and went to school alone. I called Sara to pick me but she is not coming to school because of her family lunch.

I attend my first two lectures without my two best friends and not to mention one of them become my boyfriend last night. I feel like crying right now.

I text him to ask why he didn't come on the first two lectures. Now I am scared, did something happened.

Tessa: Is everything okay, you didn't come to the first and second period.

Seconds after he replied.

Mason: Yes, everything is okay Baby. I will explain it later.

Did he just call me baby? He called me baby. I came out of my dreamland and reply.

Tessa: OK, text me when you reach school.

Mason: Sure. Tessi. 😊

Am I dead already? Why does he have to be this cute all the time? I was wandering in the halls with a sad look and a hand came out of the janitor's room. One hand move its way from my wrist to mouth and the second one went to my waist. I can't see the person because he is behind me.

" Hi, Tessi " Massy's scent fills around me. Oh god. He tricked me, I got scared. I turn around and push him and start to slap him on his chest repeatedly.

" You doofus, I got scared " I scold him like a mother by poking my finger in his chest.

" Sorry, sorry. You look so cute when you get scared. You have this expression like a cat " he chuckles at my expression which I am sure is still there. I slap him on his shoulder.

" Whatever, now why did you kidnap me," I ask.

" We are skipping the remaining class."
He said.

" And for what reason," I said by crossing my hands.

" I am taking you on a date," he said with a smile.

" Where I am not wearing anything good and what if school inform my mom about it, she is going to scold me for----" Mason stop my rambling by kissing me hard. He kisses my both cheeks and pulls back.

" I got all the things covered, let's go," he said by dragging me towards his car. The hallway was silent as there was not even a single person out because the lecture had started.

I started to giggle and hold his hand tightly. He opens the door and stands aside like a gentleman. I sit down on my seat and cross my legs in Indian style.

He starts the car and reach for my hand and intertwine our hands. I start the radio and the first song was I love you by Billie Eilish. I love her voice, we sang the whole song and I laughed so hard because mason tries to sing it like Billie with a serious look and look at me then give me this big grin.

I love him. I just love him so much.

" I love you " I blurted out. Why Tessa, why do you have to make the atmosphere awkward. I have to change the subject right now.
" The song, of Billie Eilish. I listen to it, like all the time. " I add immediately hoping that he didn't hear the big I love you from my stupid mouth.

" Yeah, I like it too," he said with a smile. Thank god he didn't listen to the L word. The whole ride we listen to some songs and the time passed with him kissing my palm, cheeks, forehead.

I asked him excitedly that where is he taking me as I don't like surprises. It's just that I can't wait. I am going out on my first date with my best friend, love, my first everything.

I look at him as he is mouthing the lyrics of the song, I don't know which song cause all my surroundings stops as I look at him, he is so good, lovely person. What is he doing with me , he can get any beautiful girl and" he is choosing me " I tell my mind that.

He turn to see me and I got caught as I was looking at him with this drool in my mouth and hopeless face.

Why do I embarrass myself all the time when he is around.

" We reached " he said with a smirk. Definitely caught me gawking.

I look around my surroundings and it is beautiful and amazing. I never seen this.

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So today I saw my views on after 2 weeks and I was like wow. I got 500 + views 😱😱

I love you all......

I love you all

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